Friday, September 11, 2015

"Happy" 911 Anniversary Celebration !!!

I'm sure our "friendly, neighborhood Muslim Jihadists" would just love to help us "Celebrate" the 14th Anniversary of the 911 airplane attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York City, on September 11th, 2001, killing some 3000-plus innocent people, along with another attack on the Pentagon, the smoke of whose subsequent fire I could see from the front steps of my apartment building, when I was living in Arlington, Va. And let us not forget those brave passengers who foiled the attempt by a fourth terror group trying to plunge their hijacked plane into either the White House, or the Capital Building, when they stormed the terrorist-controlled cockpit, knowing that they probably faced certain death, as they did when the plane was forced to crash in the Pennsylvania countryside, killing all on board, yet sparing further loss of life in D.C., or else ware.

I'm sure that our "neighborhood Jihadists" would love to contribute enough "fireworks" to make any 4th of July celebration pale by comparison. I'm sure that that they have plenty of pipe bombs, and pressure-cooker bombs available for today's remembrance of those innocents who died needlessly, in order for these numbskulls to prove nothing more than their evil, perverse lust for murderous violence, in the name of their false religion. (Those Jihadists are certainly sorry, now, and will be for a long, long time [known as "eternity"], while they futilely search for their falsely promised 72 virgins, and can find nothing but billions of taunting demons, with nothing to do but torment them with the foolishness of their first-life deception.) A perfect location for their "Celebration" would be the planned memorial service at the original site of the destruction of the "Twin Towers", in New York City, now referred to as, "Ground Zero". I'll bet that the organizers of this memorial service are the same people who planned the re-building of the "Ground Zero" tower, and their concern for the safety of those in attendance doesn't extend further than publicizing their architectural prowess, and their potential lease-sales to future business tenants. They are expecting thousands to show up for this service, and I can't help but fear for the safety of those who foolishly attend, as the Modis Opporendi of these murderous Jihadists is to mark their "celebration" of previously "successful" terrorist attacks, by instituting follow-up bombings on the "anniversary dates" of successive years.

I believe the Boston Marathon bombing also took place on September 11th, a few years ago, and if I'm correct, that establishes the basis for my concern, along with the debacle in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012; though we had the assurance of our great minds in the State Department, that that fiasco was because of some "offensive" anti-Islamic film, that Muslims were supposed to be outraged about. It would be nice if we could actually find some people to serve in the State Department, and the Foreign service as a whole, who actually had half a clue as to what was going on in the world, today! Instead we have former "First Ladies" actually believing that they can transmit and receive Top Secret messages over unsecured internet E-mail lines, without risking interception by hostile foreign "hackers" (like the Chinese, and Russians, who have demonstrated that foreign intelligence "hacking", both offensively, and defensively, is an important part of their espionage efforts). Or, we have her successor telling us that we should accept a "treaty" with Iran that will apparently not hinder their efforts to develop nuclear weapons, but will relieve them from the sanctions that withheld hundreds of billions of dollars from their trading capacity, for their agreement to do absolutely nothing in return. I wonder if the original intent of those sanctions was really to punish Iran for their non-cooperation, or for our greedy international bankers to get their filthy hands on the Iranian assets so they could invest it all, and recoup the profits, before releasing the principle back to Iran. So much for the supposed hostility of Democratic Administrations to Wall Street chicanery, if my suspicions are correct. One must wonder if there was some under-the-table bribery taking place, when these sanctions where set up, and if so, how high up in the Administration would they have gone??? (Like I've said previously, I've rarely found a conspiracy theory that I didn't like, even if I had to create one, out of thin air, myself!)

Anyway, we should all be deeply in prayer for any such memorial services, today, though I believe I heard a news report of one such Jihadist conspiracy being broken up by local police, though I don't remember what city this was in. Let's pray that any others will be likewise foiled, and we can make it through this day peacefully, to the great chagrin of our "friendly, neighborhood Jihadists"!!! And, ultimately, to the praise, and glory of God, in Jesus' name!!!

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