Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ain't It Wonderful!!! Oil Prices Have Rebounded!!! Hallelujah!!! Praise OPEC!!!

Pardon the above sarcasm, but I have to feel sorry for the desperate investors who are looking for any reason to be optimistic about oil prices, specifically, and stock market trends, in general. Bloomberg reported the last three days have seen international oil prices rise at the highest rate ever, for the past 25 years! All the way up to an average price of around $50.00 per barrel of oil! Whoopee! That's all the way up to exactly half of what Russia needs to feed their starving economy (as I wrote in my 8/25/'15 post, as an update of my 12/16/'14 post). If the economists who meddle with the OPEC oil prices don't shut off the spigots soon, to stop production until the price rises to around $100.00 per barrel, we'll soon see the Russian invasion of the Middle-East that I've been boring my readers about for the past several years!

I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies are about to unfold before our eyes, and that the desperation of the Russian economy will be the driving force that will cause Putin to invade the Middle-East, including Israel. Between the collapsing price of oil (which Russia needs to maintain at around $100.00 per barrel to fund their economy) and the effects of the western nations' sanctions against Russia for it's invasion of the Ukraine, God has put His "hooks" in Putin's jaw, (the imagery of a horse's bridle "bit"), in order to drive his armies into the Middle-East. There He will somehow cause a fragile truce between the various Muslim armies that will be confederate with him to implode in the self destruction of nearly 85% of their invasion force, "upon the mountains of Israel". Russia blatantly denies their Ukrainian invasion; as if the "revolution" there was a spontaneous revolt against those foolish government officials who actually wanted their country to remain independent, and not be overrun by Russian proxy troops! I'm sure Putin will also deny that his forces, "have come to...take a great spoil" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for this quote) in the Middle-East (is it a divine coincidence that the English words, "spoil" and "oil" rime? I think not, since English is our national language, and Biblical scholars have long believed that it will be American diplomats asking this inane question.)

Putin's intent will obviously be to conquer the various Arab oil fields, so he can control the international price of oil himself, with about 75% of the world's oil reserves under his control. Then he could either shut off the production (in the "mother of all oil embargoes"), or speed up production so much that he could fund his economy, no matter how low the price dropped. Thank God that he will not be given that choice, or we would soon see him as the "One-world Ruler" of a communist world! God is first going to spare the world that prospect, then (after seven years) He will deal with the Antichrist's "One-world Socialist" government. Between these two situations, I believe Jesus will send His Angels to the earth to "Rapture" the Church (the world-wide body of "Born-again" believers in Jesus Christ), to be with Him in Heaven. And I believe it's coming sooner, rather than later! So, as I keep writing, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh". For those readers who are not sure if they are "Born-again", also, "look up..." to the top of this page. Under the "End Times News Review" heading are detailed instructions that Jesus gave us in how to be "Born-again". Then you too may "look up, for your redemption..."!!!

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