Friday, September 18, 2015

Blood On The Moon

Much has been written, especially in the past year, about the so-called Tetrarch of "Blood Moons" that have appeared in the past year, when the partial eclipse of the sun causes the refraction of sunlight on one part of the earth's atmosphere to cause the Moon to seem to glow a reddish, or rose color, thus the moniker of "Blood Moons". The current so-called "Tetrarch" of "Blood Moons" refers to the sequence of four successive "Blood Moons, occurring between the dates that coincided with the Jewish Passover celebrations of 2014, and 2015, and the date coinciding with the commemoration of the Jewish High Holy Day of "Yom Kippur", in 2014. The final "Blood Moon" of this Tetrarch is set to coincide, roughly, with the keeping of "Yom Kippur" this year, which will be on September 22nd, and 23rd. The "Blood Moon" will not actually appear until September 28th, however.

So, what is the significance of all this? Perhaps nothing. But, it has been noted that this rare sequence of phenomenon has coincided in the past with events that had a special significance for the Jewish people throughout history.

First, it coincided in 1492 with Columbus' discovery of "the new world" which included America, a land which would be relatively receptive to Jewish immigration, over the next several centuries. This was especially significant because of the Spanish eviction of all Jews, on pain of death, from Spain, shortly before King Ferdinand's (or more specifically, his wife, Queen Isabella's) commissioning of Columbus' expedition to find the "new world".

Secondly, in 1948 another "Tetrarch" coincided roughly with the vote of the U.N. to re-establish the Jewish homeland in present-day Israel. Thirdly, another one coincided roughly with the capture of East Jerusalem (in 1967), re-uniting their capital city for the first time in almost 2000 years. So, Biblical scholars have placed spirirtual significance upon these phenomenon over the centuries, and it seems believable that this one may be the most significant of all!

To appreciate fully the possible significance of all this, one must bare in mind that God has not given up on His "Chosen people" (Israel), even though He has seemed to have turned a deaf ear to them for most of the nearly 2000 years, since "they" (or their spiritual Leaders, the "Pharisees", and "Sadducees" of the day) rejected Jesus as their Messiah, and had Him crucified. He has provided various homelands for them, and even returned them to their original Homeland, Israel, which may be about to endure it's greatest threat in history, with the possible Gog/Magog invasion of the Middle-East being set up now, with Russia leading the way by equipping an Air Base along the Northwest coast of Syria, austensably to aid Syria's defense against their rebel invaders. But, unless I miss my guess, I'll bet the real purpose for the buildup is to facilitate Putin's plan to invade the entire Middle-East region, and capture the Arab oil fields of the Gulf States. I expect that he will try to do this while keeping Israel at bay with an invasion by their murderous Muslim neighbors, while our lily-livered President sits in the White House, and makes profound Diplomatic inquiries of Putin, like, "have you take a great spoil???" (see Ezekiel 38: 13, for that one).

The ultimate significance of the timing, in coincidence with the "Blood Moons" is that the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur commemorates the time of year when all Jews are supposed to ask God to forgive them of their sins. The Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies state that God is going to "reveal" himself to His "Chosen People", by delivering them, somehow, from their would-be murderous invaders, in turning their violence back on themselves ("every man's sword shall be against his brother"), until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force ("upon the mountains of Israel"). This is apparently how God intends to reveal to the Jewish people of Israel that He still loves them, and He will protect them from their enemies! I wouldn't be surprised if this all took place between the dates of Yom Kippur, on September 23rd., and the appearance of the last "Blood Moon", on September 28th. I believe it was the 1972 Arab/Israeli War that was dubbed the "Yom Kippur War", because the Arabs initiated their invasion on the day Israeli Jews were about to celebrate Yom Kippur, knowing that this would complicate the assembling of the Israeli Army Reserves. They might be stupid enough to think it could work better this time around.

I realize I'm hanging what little credibility I have up for potential ridicule if these biblical fantasies turn out to be nothing more than that. Perhaps I'm wrong; but if I'm right get set for the "Rapture"!!!

Stay tuned, and remember to keep "looking up"!

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