Sunday, September 6, 2015

U.S. State Dept. Wakes Up To Ezekiel Prophecies

God said it would happen about 2500 years ago! Today, the U.S. State Department just figured out what God said way back then.

The news reports today are saying that Secretary of State, John Kerry, called Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, to "express concern" (whoa, big news!) about what appears to be, "an imminent Russian military buildup in Syria". The prophet Ezekiel called this, at God's inspiration over 2500 years ago, and our State Department is probably shocked by this, "new development". I've been calling it a certainty for about seven years, because I'm so brilliant that I can actually read what's written on the pages of the Bible in front of me, and I have the simplistic naivete to actually believe what it says! Whoa, what a wizard I must be! To actually believe something that's right in front of my eyes! Wow! It must be miraculous wisdom (or what the Bible calls, "faith").

Would that there were some Bible-believing Christians in the State Department, and they would actually be given credibility when they tried to attach prophetic significance to current events. The fact that Ezekiel"s prophecies are probably laughed at (or outright dismissed) is exactly what God means when He says that He will, "confound the wisdom of the wise",and (speaking of the secular non-believers) that, "professing themselves wise, they become fools" (I realize this is a bit out of context, but it applies).

Anyway, the State Dept. is likely concerned that this military buildup is meant to support Bashar Assad's Syrian defense against the Rebel forces that are trying to overthrow him, and his government. But you can bet that the ultimate Russian intent is more likely to conquer the whole Middle-East, especially the Arab Oil Fields, and that the genocidal slaughter of the entire nation of Israel is a "necessary" part of their strategy. (For my explanation as to why this would be considered "necessary", see the Archive list to the right of this column. I've written extensively about this in many of my previous posts, and now it's being set up, almost as expected.)

Thank God that He is not going to allow this to happen! All the "best laid plans..." of these Russian conspirators, and their Muslim allies, will be turned against them, somehow, by God and they will destroy themselves, which is good, because you can bet that the Obama Administration will be no help for the Israelis! God will reserve all the glory for Himself, because no one else will help Israel. Thank God no one else will be needed, because He is more than able, by Himself!!!

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