Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Solution To Illegal Immigration

I'm so tired of lily-livered politicians running this country simply because we as voters find their solutions to problems to be the, "easiest way out" of our problems. Aren't there any politicians with a little backbone any more? I think that's the reason Donald Trump is running away with the Republican nomination, so far. Whether he is sincere, or not, I don't know. Or whether he knows how to get the job done, or not, I don't know. But we are so sick of politicians saying we can't do it, because of our laws! Didn't the Constitution provide the Congress with the authority to change laws that have outlived their effectiveness? Let's use the legal rights the Constitution gives us, and stop listening to those greedy lawyers, and lobbyists, who have a financial vested interest in maintaining the status quo!

Trump is the only one who is telling the conservative voters that we can stem the tide of illegal immigration, and begin to reverse it, before it destroys our country! I don't want to hear any more of this misplaced sympathy for those poor suffering illegals! Yes, they're oppressed by the greed of their own country's politicians. And yes, they have to deal with brutal crime organizations running amok, and stifling poverty that is rampant, mostly because of the greed of the afore-mentioned politicians and crime organizations. But, we have no realistic choice but to recognize our own limitations in being able to change these situations. We simply can not take on the problems of the whole world, by ourselves, or even the problems of the western hemisphere. We must close our borders to illegal immigration, no matter how heartless this seems, and begin to deport at least the worst of the 11 million immigrants that are here. We have laws on the books that are being intentionally ignored by liberal politicians who are afraid of "rocking the boat", as if the voting public can not distinguish between law-abiding immigrants who just want to raise their children, and live peacefully in the process, and the same organized crime members who have ruined their own countries. Lets elect people who have the courage to, 1) close the borders to further illegal immigration, and, 2) deport those who blatantly violate our civil laws, and, 3) revise our legal immigration laws to allow for the immigration of law-abiding people, who truly wish to live here for their life-times, and not simply gain citizenship by default because they had babies here before they were detected as aliens. If that means doing away with the "birthright citizenship" law, then so be it. It is not sacrosanct, in and of itself. I suspect it was a temporary solution for a country that was woefully under-populated, a couple of hundred years ago. But, when conditions change, so should the laws that were meant to address them.

We simply can not fling our doors open wide for the whole world! If they want to copy our legal system, in their home countries, it starts with a declaration of independence, similar to our own, and the willingness to lay down their lives for a Constitutional rule of law in their countries, rather than a weak-kneed ambivalence to the despotism that oppresses them. These countries all have many more people who are oppressed than greedy politicians, and criminals who are doing the oppressing. They must realize that democratic government can be established in their own country, if they are willing to fight for it; not only in revolutionary terms, but also in establishing a just rule of law, and defending it afterwards. We should be willing to assist them, with arms, or whatever (not like the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco), but they have to want it. And it has to be bought with their blood, not ours! First, throw those criminal bums out, then establish a lawful government to rule their land, then we'll see a reverse immigration situation instead of what we've got now! And it takes more than just reopening our long-closed embassy in a still-corrupt country, and pretending that everything is all right. Sanctions should be kept in place until their government shows a willingness to free their own citizens from their oppressive laws, or the lack of truly just ones!

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