Monday, August 8, 2016

Will Trump's Fragile Ego Give Us Another Clinton Presidency???

I started my last Post by reiterating that I do not like Donald Trump. But I like him "light-years" better than Obama, or anyone who pledges to continue Obama's "legacy" (as Hillary Clinton has already promised to do), which would be an outright disaster for America. I might also say the same for the feelings of trust I have for Trump, with the same caveat for anyone who supports Obama's "legacy". So, in my opinion, Trump, would only make an acceptable president if he hires brilliant advisers, and can swallow his ego-maniacal pride long enough to actually listen to their advice, and do what they say. I agree with Speaker Ryan that Hillary's record, by itself, is thoroughly beatable. Throw in her promise to continue Obama's legacy, along with her apparent promises to Sanders to support some very liberal (even Socialistic) legislation in Congress, and you could reasonably expect a Republican victory for Trump, in November.

The only person who seems able to beat Trump, is himself, with his insufferable pride! He seems to have an almost "Hitlerian" need to be worshipped by an adoring crowd. But, I am one person who would rather face the piano-wire-hanging-on-the-hook, than have to say, "sieg heil" to the "fuerer", Trump! If he can't remember that he is running against Hillary, and not everyone who dares to criticize him, than I guess we'd better prepare for four, to eight, years of Democratic incompetence in the White House, and probably in Congress as well!!! Moreover, since the next President will appoint the successor to the Supreme Court vacancy, we'll have a liberal Court, that will support every unconstitutional law passed by a liberal Congress, and signed by our liberal, untrustworthy, pro-Muslim, lying President Hillary!

Yuk...!!! What a horrible prospect! If I didn't know that God is ultimately in control, and He does not need a Republican victory in November, to bring about His plan to save America, I would almost despair for our future. What He doesn't need, but has chosen to wait for, is America on it's collective knees, the only thing that will save us from our worst enemies. No, I don't mean I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida; I mean a "sweeping" Democratic victory in November, which will amount to a defacto victory for the international terrorist factions as well. Not that the Democrats would unite with the terrorists, but that they would continue Obama's disarmament policies, and confront the terrorists with a hand-wringing, "oh-me, oh-my" pathetically ineffective policy, in response. And they would increase the immigration of people fleeing the terrorism, who mostly support it, ideologically, and hide the future terrorists who intend to bring us the next phase of 911 plots, in America. We could expect the same kind of terrorism that is plaguing Germany, and France, now! Their governments are run by the same kind of misplaced-compassionate regimes in their countries that we can expect a Democratic victory to install here! May God deliver us from such a horrible prospect!!! He can, and He will, if enough of us pray for it! Yes, it's important that we all vote (not FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary!), but it's much more important that we all pray! For only God knows if Trump will listen to his advisors, and a "Hitlerian" Trump would be worse than an incompetent, lying Hillary!

What a choice we have for our next President! May God lead us to make the right choice!!!

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