Saturday, August 13, 2016

"Much Ado About Nothing..."

I might also title this Post with another Shakespearean quote, "Methinks thou dost protest too much...", which along with the above title adequately describes my reaction to the protests of the "Establishment" wing of the Republican Party and their anti-Trump complaints, this time to the Republican National Committee. I think I am beginning to understand what's going on here, and I am ashamed of my country, as it is.

It seems that Donald Trump is not just campaigning against Hillary Clinton, as the chosen candidate of the liberal Democratic Party. He is also campaigning against two other unofficial liberal parties: the leftist (majority) media, and the moderately leftist Establishment Republicans within his own party. Believe it, or not, I think I see the Lord's finger prints on Trump's campaign!

For decades we have had the two primary Parties that differed only slightly in their views of how government should be managed. The minority Republican party learned to survive by being only somewhat to the right of the leftist Democrats. Sure, their rhetoric was considerably more conservative than the Democrats, but when it came to action they didn't rock the "liberal boat" too much, lest they awaken the outrage of a sleeping liberal populace. That voting populace was stimulated by a very liberal media, which would only back off the Republicans so much, as long as they didn't try to push their more conservative values too hard. When they did, the press would gang up on them, to make them "toe the line", which the Republicans would do, if they wanted to keep getting elected.

Meanwhile, the Conservative wing of the Republicans would try to support a candidate, who would be scurrilously condemned by the media, as being the second coming of Adolph Hitler (even though Hitler was a Socialist), and the Establishment Republicans would pay lip-service to the Conservatives, to get their votes, and promptly ignore them once elected.

It's hard for me to say this, but Trump might actually be an "answer" to the prayers of many conservative Christians who couldn't stand to vote for the Democratic candidate, in past elections, so they would hold their noses and vote for the wishy-washy Republican candidate, or they would stay home, on election day. Perhaps God has given us someone to vote for, crude as he is, who will curry the conservative voters, because the Establishment Republicans won't help him.

Lately, the Establishment Republicans have tried to hurt the Trump campaign by asking the National Committee to withhold funds for Trump's campaign. Boy, that'll work!!! Yes sir!!! Withhold funds from Trump's campaign, and he'll simply buy the election himself. He is plenty rich enough to do so. Perhaps God realized He would need someone rich enough to do so, to force the Establishment Republicans to realize that their power over elections is limited, whereas God's is not! In other words He might be saying, "get on board, or get out of town". Perhaps they'll be happier in the Democratic Party, where they belong.

God's most powerful weapon has always been His two-edged sword, which he wields from his mouth, as His word. It may just be cutting the Republican Party in two, "between the quick, and the dead"!!! Stay tuned, this election is getting interesting!

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