Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dems Feeling The Heat???

A famous quote of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign (I can't remember if it was directed at the Russians, or the Democratic Party [it doesn't make much difference; they're both deadly enemies of our Constitution]), went like this: "It's not necessary for them to see the light; only for them to feel the heat!" Well, he was "dead-on" right, then, and I wonder if he wouldn't say the same thing today? Fox News reported, this morning, that some Democratic Congressional candidates (mostly in tight races) are not defending Hillary Clinton's E-mail, and "Foundation" scandals. Is this evidence that even some Democrats are beginning to "wake up, and see the Light"? Perhaps among the constituents, I suppose so, but more than likely those "Tight-Race" candidates are realizing that she has been so dirty in her Public Service (one would reasonably guess that the word "Public", to her, extends only to herself, and her family) that supporting her could easily blow up in their faces, and lose the election for them. I'd say they are beginning to "feel the heat", wouldn't you?

Is this the first indication that Hillary could personally lose the election, in November, as I speculated, that she might squander her lead in the polls, and throw the victory for Trump, that he seems to be doing his best NOT to win, on his own? (See my post for August 22nd., listed on the "Archives" list, to the right of this column.) I wrote then that if it happened it would be because her record as Secretary Of State was so "dirty", with self-serving influence-peddling between the Clinton "Foundation" and the State Department, that if enough evidence was released before the election, even Democrats would realize that she was a dangerous Presidential candidate. Recently, some 15,000 "lost" E-mails were released by the State Department, who just happened to "find" them, with very little time left (before the election) to investigate them. They must contain potentially damning evidence that the Clintons were collecting "Pay For Play" contributions at their "Foundation", with access to the Secretary of State as the prize for the donations. Otherwise one would wonder at the reason they were "found" so close to the election, that they might be expected to have little effect on the election. Will Hillary be the first President to be elected, one day, and impeached the next???

Anyway, Hillary's own calendar, while Secretary of State showed that over 50% of those visitors to her office were previous donors to the Clinton "Foundation" (more appropriately called their "slush fund"). Since some of those donors were residents of Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf State nations (whose populations gave us the 911 terrorists, probably funded by the very rich people of those nations), one has to wonder if those same terrorist financiers are the same "donors" that bought influence with Hillary??? Is this the kind of person we would feel safe with running our country? I wonder how many Democratic voters are wondering the same thing? Perhaps they will be so disenchanted with Hillary that they might stay home, on election day! Pray God that they will! As I said before, that seems to be the only way Trump can win!

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