Friday, August 12, 2016

Comparing The Attributes/Dificiences Of Trump Vs. Obama &Hillary

Just what constitutes "fitness" to be President of the United States? Trump says Hillary is not "fit". Obama and Hillary counter with...(Surprise!!!) Trump is not "fit". So, whose opinion is closest to what we need? As might be expected, I just happen to have a few opinion points on the subject, and I will be glad to share them with you, whether you want them, or not!

Most people feel that a brilliant mind is an attribute. It certainly can help, unless the "heart" (according to the Biblical meaning of the word [i.e., the inner-most being, or central condition of what makes a person "tick", or their "moral fiber"]) is so pathetically corrupt that it interferes with their intellectual judgement. Obama is a perfect case in point. His obviously immense intelligence is almost useless in his decision making, since his moral judgement is so corrupt that almost every decision he makes is tainted by it. That's probably why so many of his administration's policies have been condemned by outsiders as false, or based upon false premises. (The latest scandal is that his Central Command staff in Iraq has been "cooking the books" to make it seem like the war effort is going much better than it is.) Obama rode to electoral victory, and re-election as well, by using his intellect to sway the voters with his brilliant articulation, which is commendable. But when it comes to backing up his rhetoric with wise judgement, he was a complete failure. Then, he and his subordinates simply resorted to lies to cover up their short-comings in judgement, assuming that everyone else is stupid enough to believe them. And many are; we call them Democrats!!!

Bill Clinton was also a brilliant President. Unfortunately, he too often thought mostly with his genitals, which clearly limit one's ability to make wise decisions!

Hillary is not nearly as brilliant as either her husband, or Obama. And she likewise feels she can cover up her errors in judgement with blatant lies. Benghazi is an example of her irresponsibility, and her consequential attempts at lying her way out of any blame for her errors. Unfortunately, for her, and potentially for us, her lack of brilliance is greatly exceeded by her corrupt "heart". Her decisions seem to be based first, and foremost, upon what seems to be the most convenient way of doing things (hence the ludicrous E-mail scandal, that a first grader should have foreseen the legal consequences for). And she belligerently continues a campaign of apparent lies, to keep the scandal from scuttling her candidacy. Those lies are so glaringly obtuse that only a Democrat could possibly believe them!

And then we have Trump! No one is claiming that his brain is "brilliant"; his words plentifully belie that. But, in his defense, it must be difficult to speak with one foot, or the other constantly in his mouth! He seems to constantly be using one foot to try and extricate the other from his orifice, with the result being as bad as the original condition. His main problem seems to be his ego! He doesn't seem capable of being insulted, without retaliating, often in the most childish manner.

But, his "heart" is "head and shoulders" above any Democratic candidate, past, or present, or their advisors! And, frankly, I place more importance upon that then I do upon a brilliant mind. Most issues a president faces are common sense issues, anyway, and Trump has plenty of the common sense that past presidents have lacked, and that goes for most of their wives, as well!

If Trump will hire brilliant advisors (and there are many of them available, since most are out of work during a Democratic Administration) and will actually listen to them, he has enough common sense to recognize their brilliance. This was what carried George Washington through the Revolutionary war. He was not a brilliant strategist, but he could swallow his pride, and listen to his advisors when they came up with better plans. He did all right as a President, too.

Let's hope we get more common sense in the White House, come next January, because we've been sorely lacking in that for quite a while!!!

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