Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What's Going On In Trump's Devious Mind...?

I just wonder... I suspect Donald has something up his sleeve.  I can't exactly guess what, but I have some wild imaginations spinning around in my mind.

I know a candidate should always act as though he expects to win, up until the moment he declares the opponent the victor, but Donald acts more like someone who knows the election may not be the end of it all.

I wonder if he has plans to challenge the results, if he should lose (as the mainstream media seems determined to convince us of the inevitability of it all, I suppose to get any "bandwagon" swing support to fulfill their "prophecy").  He might hope to make a case before the House to sue for impeachment.  A quick perusal of the Constitution refreshed my understanding of the "articles of  Impeachment",  in Article II, section 4 :  which said Congress could remove a president for acts of, "treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors".

Hillary has certainly tip-toed along the line of treason, with her irresponsible E-mail server, and apparent influence peddling to foreign national governments while serving as Secretary of State.  But I wonder if Trump can convince Congress that she did so at the harm of National Security.  I don't think a Congress that has been so hostile to Trump throughout the campaign will be easily convinced of this.

However, the F.B.I. already has announced that it will release the remaining E-mails in it's investigation, AFTER the election is over.  Interesting timing, since the investigation has already concluded, exonerating Hillary of any wrong doing.  If she were innocent, why wouldn't the remaining E-mails be released earlier, unless the F.B.I. thought they might further influence the vote.  Perhaps there is some more damning evidence contained  in them, and perhaps Trump is counting on that to be severe enough to sway even a hostile Congress to feel her offenses are worthy of impeachment.

I guess we'll find out soon enough!  As Betty Davis once said in one of her movies, "Hold on to your hats, folks.  It looks like we're in for a bumpy ride!!!"

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