Monday, October 17, 2016

Shame On Us Christians

Double-minded Christians have always been problematic to the movement of God in the affairs of man, and it applies today.  I think it was on an NBC newscast that I heard that Evangelical Christians are reputedly split, almost equally between Trump, and Clinton before the election.  If that's true, and I don't automatically trust the word of one of the mainstream news media outlets (who are more concerned about using their format for leftist propaganda dissemination, than for reporting the truth accurately, and honestly), then the Christian voters will merely cancel each other out, in the election.  My point is:  which is more important, electing someone who will defend America's traditional values, even if he can't control his libido in public  (and remember there was another man who was considered the "wisest" man of all time, namely King Solomon who collected wives, and concubines habitually [300 of the former, and 600 of the latter; many from pagan nations, which God had strictly forbidden His people from doing]), or getting rid of the foolish international socialists that have driven this country to the brink of accepting the Antichrist's one world, socialist government that God has prophecied will try to take over, and enslave the world, until He personally destroys all of it's participants.  To me this is a clear, and obvious choice, and may even effect the salvation of those Christians who willingly participate in the Antichrist's system.  I do not say that participating is definitely the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit", which is Biblically referred to as the "Unforgivable Sin",  but I wonder if the Antichrist will try and proclaim divine authority by claiming to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, on earth.  Christians should immediately recognize this as a lie, but will some of them have already accepted the "Mark of the Beast", on their right hand, or forehead, which is also condemned by the Lord, Himself?  We should all consider very carefully the full consequences of our vote in this election!

Besides, electing Trump may be the only way to get rid of him, without settling for another "Obamanation" government, with Clinton's election (God forbid!!!) .  If we consider the likely consequences of Trump's election, he will either behave himself while in office, which seems unlikely, or he will be quickly impeached, as Bill Clinton nearly was, except that he was rescued by his partisan, Democratic-controlled Senate, who refused to convict him, though he was blatantly guilty.  Does anyone think that the establishment Republicans in Congress would do the same for Trump???  Not likely, to say the least!  They would much prefer a Pense Presidency in his place.  So a vote for Trump may actually be a vote for a President Pense, indirectly.  This may be God's ultimate plan, anyway.

So, any Christians who can't get past Trump's groping charges, to recognize that a pervert, temporarily elected, who has promised to institute desperately needed reforms to the mess that Obama leaves us with, may be making a terrible mistake, with consequences that may effect them personally, as well as the country as a whole!

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