Friday, October 28, 2016

"For The first Time In My Life...", I Can Agree With Michele Obama!

She, of the original Inauguration quote, "For the first time in (her) life I am  proud of my country".  This because our country had elected her husband as President.  I have always felt this to be a very telling insight into the Obama mentality, and indeed, the liberal Democratic mindset, in general.  Apparently, they are unable to be proud of anything that America has stood for, up until they get their own way, politically.  Then, the only thing that matters is that they are in charge, not what is inherently right, or wrong for the nation,...just what they want.

Yesterday, while campaigning with Hillary Clinton, she said that Donald "Trump divides (the American voters), while Hillary unites".   She finally said something that I can agree with!  But, the real issue, Michele, is what they are dividing TO, or uniting to.  If one "unites" unto an evil platform, where is the value in "unity", there?  And, if the "division" is from the evil values of their predecessor, that has to be an inherent good, I think.  But, I don't think Michele, or Barak, and especially not Hillary, will ever understand my feelings about that!

I would have us to unite around statements like Barak swore, twice, " preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States...", and he swore that in the name of God, too!  And, as a Law student, majoring in Constitutional Law, I would expect him to fully understand what he was swearing to!  Not to simply use his knowledge to figure out ways to get around this oath, to significantly harm this nation's Constitutional freedoms!  Sorry, Michele, but if that's what you can "finally be proud of", that's where we strongly disagree!  Her husband has done more than any other President in the so-called "modern era" to destroy this nation's safety, and security,  and I fail to understand how that equates to "preserve(ing), and protect(ing)" anything!  And, Hillary wants to increase his irresponsible policies!!!  She can't even protect her own E-mail security, for crying out loud!

Hillary, and the Obamas don't really want to "preserve and protect" anything that this country stands for, because by doing so, we stand in the way of a One-World Socialist government system, that will eventually be dominated by the Antichrist's tyrannical rule!  They want to slowly condition us into eventually accepting a complete renunciation of the Constitution, which they foolishly believe to be a tired, old document, that is no longer relevant for modern times.  I, and those who agree with me, believe that the truths that are written in the Constitution, agree with the most basic principles of the Bible, and they are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago!!!   The Bible has much to say about the Antichrist's system, in the book of Revelation, and what will happen to those who support it.  But, fat chance that the Clintons,  or the Obamas would ever read that, let alone believe it as truth!  Fine, for them, but I don't want them to take me down that evil path with them!!!

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