Sunday, January 21, 2018

Which Nuclear Option Is Best???

Trump called for Congressional Republicans in the Senate to resort to the last-resort option called the "Nuclear Option" to close off filibuster "debate", in order to get the government funding bill passed, to reopen the government.  There are times when one is tempted to ponder which Nuclear Option is best to deal with these belligerent Democrats, in the Senate.

If one could isolate the radiation to remain only on  the Democratic side of the Senate, a literal Nuclear option might be tempting!!!  Unfortunately, there are way too many self-serving idiots, stupid enough to run for election to take the place of all the blithering buffoons that this "option" would temporarily rid us of!  Let's face it, the Democrats are in the majority across the board throughout the whole nation.  And there are way too many  Democrats filling the polling booths to vote them in.  I think we can blame this mostly upon the massive liberal domination of the Pubic School system, created by the liberal," humanistic" domination of the Department of Education, for the past few decades, and the not-so-subtle indoctrination propaganda that has been going on endlessly, to the point that High School graduates can not perceive of anything but liberal principles as being considered as good, under any circumstances.  It takes about a decade of living in the real world, after High School, and even worse after graduating from schools like Berkeley,  to realize the fallacy of their liberal education!  And unfortunately some never do outgrow it!  They're the ones who run for Congress as Democrats!!!  And some even graduate from Harvard Law, and become among the worst Presidents of the U.S., ever!!!

The only way to reverse this is to give Trump, and hopefully some decent successors, time to show that the defeatist mentality of the Liberals is not the only option.  But you can bet people like Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi will do everything they can to keep that from happening!  That's really what this government shutdown is all about.  The Democrats are trying to force the DACA relief issue their way, because they know Trump wants to hold onto that issue to offer as bait against the immigration reform effort, including the "Wall" along the southern border.  The Democrats want to rob him of the tactic so they can keep the porous illegal immigration system intact, which they believe is their best opportunity for re-election, along with frustrating the attempt at verifying legal residency at the voting polls.  They believe most illegals will vote Democratic, if they can keep flooding the polls with new arrivals from other countries to vote illegally in our elections, and even pay them to vote repeatedly!  They rightly see the Republican effort to keep the elections honest as an inhibition to their elections in the future!

This desperate strategy is their way of countering the blase' mentality of liberal voters, unless there is some vital interest in the election.  Low turnouts of  Democratic voters is commonplace in many elections, and instead of motivating the legal voters, they find it easier to bring in illegals, and even pay for their votes, sometimes!  It's a crying shame, but that's what our democratic system of government has degenerated into, lately!!!

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