Saturday, January 13, 2018

Let's See...Do I Prefer An Honest Man With A "Potty-Mouth", Or A CrooK, ...Hmmmm!!!!

No. I don't like some of the things that come out of Donald Trump's mouth.  But I do like the things he has done for the country, and even tried to do, but failed because the smoothe-talking Democrats stubbornly resist everything he proposes.  I guess it boils down to whether you prefer actions, or words, and I overwhelmingly prefer actions (righteous, that is).  After 8 years of the Obama Administration's actions, that amounted to a pile of  the stuff that Trump was roundly castigated for describing profanely, I find his policies very refreshing, even if the crudeness of his mouth is a bit hard to take.  But, Trump merely said the word, while Obama tried to make us eat it!!!

It reminds one of the story of  President Lincoln's response to the reports that General Grant routinely drank excessively.  He remarked that Grant won battles, whereas his predecessors frequently did not.  He added something to the effect that if Grant continued to do so,  he (Lincoln) might send him a case of whiskey!  Or was it that he would send one to all his generals???  (I think someone once said, "Actions speak louder than words!",  and I think that applies here!)

I am so sick of all the self-serving outrage of all the envious, poor-loser Democrats, and even the Establishment Republicans, who think soft pedaled diplomacy works better than hard-a**  rhetoric, especially with people like North Korea's Kim!  They lost the election last year...get over it already!!!

I suppose we could pray that God would help President Trump to learn to control his tongue; after all, could that be much more of a miracle than parting the Red Sea???   Perhaps, but as long as I like his agenda, I'll try to deal with his mouth!

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