Thursday, January 11, 2018

Frghtening Story From C.B.N.News!!!

I just saw one of the most frightening stories on any news cast, in some time!  It was on the 700 Club, today; about the "LGTB Movement"  (Gays, and Lesbians, etc.) being given approved forums into Canada's public schools to indoctrinate the children into their perversions, and if the parents object,  they can be ignored legally because the State has authority over the children, not the Parents, in Canada!

Even worse, a brief comment described this as "going on" in Canada, and the U.S., though the extent was not elaborated upon.   But, past experience with the values projected by the federal Department of Education makes me suspicious that the so-called Gays, and Lesbians will try to push this type of agenda upon our pubic schools, if they haven't already!  That leaves me to call for the only reasonable option, SHUT DOWN THE DEPT. OF EDUCATION, now!!!  And return their authority to the State Governments, along with the taxpayers' money, which can be more closely monitored, and corrected by the people, especially the children's parents!

The 'Deep State" liberal bureaucrats have been running amuck for decades in many federal bureaucracies, but some can be more patiently dealt with, than others.  This is an urgent need to purge these idiots (and even perverts) from autocratic power over what our children are being taught in school, across the country; and too many parents are turning a blind eye to this problem.  Liberals have been using the school system to raise the children to be "good little Socialists", who will someday vote accordingly.  But, if this is allowed to happen, without resistance, how is this better than Sodom, and Gomorrah; and you know how God dealt with them!!!

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