Monday, March 6, 2017

The Democrats' "Shadow Government"...

I wonder...Are the Democrats stupid enough to believe they could get away with some sort of  Coup D'Etat in America, today???  I frankly wouldn't put it beyond them!

Lets look at the signs of their collective dementia...   Hillary Clinton loses the election that everybody was sure that she couldn't lose.  Barak Obama decides to stick around Washington, when he has no Constitutional choice but to head into retirement, with a fat retirement plan, and a demonstrated appreciation for the retirement capitol of the world: Hawaii.

 Liberal demonstrators are protesting everything and everybody around the country that is remotely connected to the Trump administration, his announced policies, and his intended political appointments.  Word is rampant that most of these demonstrators are paid to be upset, by some rich liberal billionaire, like George Soros, or someone of his ilk.  They "spontaneously" show up at seemingly every Republican Congressman's "Town Hall Meeting" to demonstrate their displeasure with "their representative's record", when probably very few, if any, actually live in their jurisdiction.

The latest scandals out of Washington either involve leaks from the federal bureaucracy, or are about those very leaks.  Sure, we've had leaks before; this is nothing new... But the number of them, in a short time after the election, the vitriol of each, and the conclusion of each, that things will just get worse until Donald Trump resigns, or is impeached, is something less than coincidental if you ask me.

Are the Democrats so upset over losing the election that they intend to stick around and stir up as much trouble for Trump as possible, even if they have to make it all up to create as much discontent as they can?

If that's their plan, they have certainly laid the groundwork for it!  We have a federal bureaucracy that is overloaded with liberal leaning workers, whose Civil Service contracts are so tight that it is almost impossible to fire them, short of some criminal activity on their part.  And even  that had better be clearly provable, or you can't get rid of them.  And don't think they don't know it!  That's probably why the leaks keep coming with apparent impunity, because they realize they essentially can't get fired if they are found out as the source.

And who are they most concerned about influencing?  My guess is the so-called millennials, that are still in school , or are recent dropouts, with nothing to do but smoke dope, and get drunk.  They are the fertile ground of political unrest, and they don't much care about the truth of the issues.  We can thank our wonderful Education department for seeing to it that our children  have gotten a steady diet of international socialism, and perverse moral values, to shape their warped little minds.  That has set them up for some modern -day Benedict Arnold, or Aaron Burr,  or the co-conspirators of John Wilkes Boothe to come along and try to fire up their anti-establishment fervor for the long-awaited revolution that the "hippy generation" of my day assured us was just around the corner!  I wonder if that's part of the reason why Obama decided to retire in Washington?  After all, there is almost as big a population of Black Muslims living there as there is in his Chicago haunts.  They might seem a very tempting constituency to some "closet-muslim", with meglo-maniacal inclinations, to try and set up a  Muslim Caliphate here!

Don't simply brush off my musings as paranoid drivel.   We have already seen how the foolish views of a man can over-ride his considerable intelligence; we've had eight years to establish the proof of that.  I'm not saying it will happen ...just that it easily could!

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