Monday, March 13, 2017

Is That Trump With McCarthy's Foot In His Mouth?

Will they ever learn??? It seems that all a Republican needs to do after being elected president is to open his mouth wide enough to insert his foot, giving the liberal press a field day of fake news to ridicule him with.  Trump now is reported to have till the end of today to turn over any evidence of his claimed Trump Tower wiretapping efforts by the Obama Administration to the Justice Department.   Of course, speculation is rampant that he has no evidence to give.  If that's true, you can bet that the liberal press will have a wonderful time comparing Trump to Sen. Joe McCarthy of the fifties, and his charges of Communists everywhere, "and I have the evidence right here!", he shouts, as he waves several blank pages before press cameras.  I dearly hope Trump has not stooped to that level of charlatanism, especially with his recent campaign against "Fake News"!  The liberal press would love nothing better than to catch him in a hypocritical position of doing the same thing that he has accused them of.  They would feel that this legitimizes their using fake stories to promote their own agenda, since he does it too!  Then there would be no need to try and justify their impropriety, and, to the contrary, it would encourage more of the same.

I am on record as saying, before the election, that Trump could be a good president, if he keeps his hands to himself.  Perhaps now I have to add the caveat, and keeps his mouth shut, too.  I wonder what the chances are of him being able to do that?  Oh well, it looks like the Republicans will lose control of Congress, in two years: the Democrats will scuttle everything that Trump tries to do , and we'll be stuck with another idiot Democrat in the White House, in 2018.  Only God can save us from such a horrible fate, now!!!

Perhaps that's the point.  I see nothing in the end times prophecies about America, even referred to generally, since there was no country called America 2500 years ago.  For that matter, there was not even a man named Amerigo Vespucci to name us after.  The only reference to us prophetically may be the part where God says, "I will send fire on Magog, and on those who dwell carelessly in the isles" (also translated as "coastlands", which many bible scholars believe refers to us).  This close to a dramatic prophetic fulfillment, perhaps God doesn't really want America to be restored to it's former preeminence.  After all, are we expecting God to save us, or Donald Trump?  Trump doesn't remind me much of Jesus, even at his best. And certainly not with a foot in his mouth!

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