Monday, February 27, 2017

NEWS ALERT: Democrats are upset with Republicans!!!

Shocking News!!!  Democrats are not in love with Donald Trump, or probably any other Republican, either!  What a crisis in American politics!  I guess that Democrats are still upset at losing the general election.  I wonder what it will take for them to face reality,and GET OVER  IT, ALREADY!!!  They really don't have any better strategy than to criticise President Trump's moves, and to try to stall his appointments to the Cabinet as long as possible, not because they are bad, but because Trump nominated them.

They are trying to make it seem that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of Russian Hackers interfering with the election results.  They just can't believe that there are enough people in America who don't want a lobbyist for Arab interests to be President of the United States.  Nor do they seem to understand that a security risk in the White House is a serious threat to all of our security. ( Now that we have finally rid ourselves of the "Closet Muslim" who previously resided there!)  

I guess they want to "hound" Trump into resigning the presidency, since impeachment proceedings are not likely to be brought by a Republican-controlled House any time soon, and they wouldn't bring a conviction by a Republican-controlled Senate, anyway.  Even if they could get him to resign, vice president Pence would feel obligated to  carry out much of Trump's stated  agenda, for the remainder of the term.

So, the likely options for the Democrats, as I see it are;  a.) sit down, and shut up!, or b.) GET OVER IT, ALREADY!!!

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