Saturday, March 25, 2017

Three (Bronx) Cheers for Google Chrome!!!

Somebody, or some people at Google Chrome apparently don't like me!  Or, at least, they don"t like my Blog!  I wrote before  about my trouble maitaining my URL address, which I use to sign in, so I can write a post, and later that my password had been arbitrarilty changed and I couldn't get a temporary password sent to my phone number.  Well, now I find that my Blog is no longer listed on Google Chrome, where it had been listed first, mostly, for the past few years.  It may still be listed, but not on any of the first three pages, and I'm not about to look at the rest of the multiple millions of entries to try and locate it.  Is Google trying to tell me something, or am I the lone subject of some sicko hacker?

Either way, I discovered that my Blog is still #1 listed on Internet Explorer (of 36,600,000 entries), so I can;t be too upset.  But all this hastle is pretty annoying!  Is Google trying to get rid of me, and my Blog?  I guess the people who have read nearly 18,000 pages of my Blog, over the last several years, must be of no particular concern to Google!  Or perhaps some (Muslim?) terrorist hacker doesn't like the things I write about them (how the coming "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel will end in the near distruction of their invasion force [around 83 1/3rd %].   This must be another case of it's easier to pick on the mesenger, than to heed the message (I didn't write the prophecy 2500 years ago.  God gave it to the Prophet Ezekiel, who wrote it, so you, and I could read it today.  Read it for yourself, in chapter 38, and 39, of Ezekiel.  Or are you afraid of facing the truth?).   So don't get mad at us,  take your gripes to God and see how far you'll get!

I know this sounds pretty petty, compared to the persecution that Paul, and the other Apostles had to endure.  But, I don't even know who is doing this, or why!  I guess I have to just "count it all joy" that the Lord considers me "worthy" to receive this persecution, if that's what it is.  If not, it is certainly a lot of incompetance on somebody's  part!  And I don't see how their bosses can rationalize that somewhere between 1 reader (reading nearly 18,000 pages of this Blog), and possibly as many as 18,000 readers, will apreciate this kind of hastle for me, or anyone.  This doesn't seem like good advertiseing to me!!!

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