Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"A House Divided...", And Even A Senate...

I am feeling a little guilty about my tongue-in-cheek quip to end my last post, about seeking a General to "Nuke" the Democratic members of Congress (emphasize, "a LITTLE guilty"). Even in jest, that was hardly a unifying sentiment, from a professing Christian, though from a natural perspective it may seem to be the only way of unifying Congress, any time soon.  Even if we could snap our fingers, and all the Democratic members of Congress would suddenly disappear (what a glorious thought!), there are millions of equally bombastic idiots in our society, ready to take their places!

The short-term solution to getting the Trump administration's agenda passed through Congress may be to use the so-called "Nuclear Option", the previous Democratic Congress voted into law, which requires only a simple majority vote to approve a nomination (as opposed to the traditional 60 votes, which would require at least 8 Democrats to side with Republicans).  But, the long term solution cannot be found that way, because if the Democrats retake control of the Congress they will simply undo their work, using the same "Nuclear Option", and the Republicans won't be able to stop them.

I can see this "tit-for-tat" political farce going on forever, assuming that the Lord will "tarry" long enough for us to settle into such a mess,  but the only real solution will be the unity that the Lord was describing in his solution to, "a house divided against itself...".  Congress's House, or Senate will surely fall, if we allow it to descend into the bickering mess that will allow them to merely undo the previous administration's efforts.

The Republicans have control of the Executive branch, and the Congress, for now.  But the Democrats are still actively using the Courts to obfuscate their view of a renewed America.  And the public School system is still pouring out "good little Socialist students" into the future voting polls, and will continue to do so, until the Department of Education is permanently shut down, and the education of our children is returned to the responsibility of the states, and localities.

The Supreme Court can be brought under control with a few excellent appointments, which will effectively overturn the Democrats' efforts to disrupt the Trump administrations agenda.  But, all their efforts to "make America great again" can be abolished by succeeding generations of "little Socialists", who will vote in people like Hillary (and probably Chelsea is being groomed to take her place), or Bernie.

If the states are given control of their school systems, many would "clean house" of the "hippy generation leftist teachers" and the textbooks that teach international socialism as the only "moral" governmental system.  The states that would not would probably be the same leftist states that give us people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and their ilk.  That would balance out.

Short of all this, I think America is in big trouble, folks!  If there was ever a time to encourage collective, and personal prayer for our country, it's now!!!

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