Friday, June 3, 2016

Now It Begins

The mudslinging begins, between the two least worthy opponents for the Presidency that I could imagine, months ago. Donald Trump, the plastic businessman from New York, who feels (apparently correctly) that the way to endear himself to the voting public (shame on us for being so shallow) is to tell us why every other candidate is so bad, believing that he will shine standing next to them. And he seems to be correct!

I blame the "liberal media" for our acceptance of such poorly qualified candidates, and the government mandated liberal, public education system that we have allowed to develop in this country, all the way through academia.

The media uses their investigative resources to badger any candidate they don't agree with for their "fitness" to run, while ignoring, rationalizing, or denying the same disqualifying characteristics, or worse, in candidates they approve of (usually loyal liberal, socialists, even if they won't admit it.) The net effect of this is to discourage otherwise qualified people from even considering running, simply because they don't want the unnecessary hassle of an endless media investigation making a small indiscretion, even committed years earlier, to seem as though it were an ongoing conspiratorial preoccupation. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has obviously broken the law while serving as Secretary of State, and using an unsecured private server for her sensitive E-mails. That is a felony violation of the law, but I'll bet she doesn't serve any jail time, and probably won't even be prosecuted by the Obama Justice Department. So, the reality of all this means that conservative candidates must be "squeaky clean", which almost no one is, while liberal candidates can almost, "get away with murder". So, all the really good candidates will opt for not running, leaving us with people like Clinton, and Trump to settle for.

I read a book, years ago, about the "Dummy Down" efforts of Public schools in America. The title I can't remember exactly, it may have been, "The Dummy Down Effect", or something along that line. It was another of the many conspiracy theory books to be published in recent decades. But, it's alarming predictions seem to be prevalent in America today. To wit: America's students are not being taught basic educational skills; but they are being fed pure leftist propaganda in order to make them socially "well balanced" (according to whose standards?; why, according to the leftist bureaucrats in the Education Department, of course). This is intended to make a whole society of "well balanced", leftist-voting automatons that will vote for Liberal candidates who will promise them more, and more money from the imagined infinite supply of the U.S. Treasury; whose money is "created out of thin air", endlessly (translation: borrowed from countries like China, with flimsy promises to repay it later, during someone else's term), and no one really has to pay for it (but the debt keeps growing till the entire economy is in danger of total collapse)! (Of course, these "well adjusted" kids won't be able to balance their check-books, once they receive their largess for having voted these idiots into office. But, that's okay, because the Department of Education declares them to be "well adjusted"!!!)

This is their idea of "well-balanced"?!! No thank you! Yet we keep re-electing these idiots; and we keep sending our kids to their schools, that teach the same cr*p that the idiot bureaucrats of the "Department of Education" (I keep listening for a heavenly thunder bolt, every time I have to type those deceitful words) force our children to digest.

Have we finally had enough of the blatant cr*p that comes from a runaway federal bureaucracy, with the growing fervor over the Obama administration's edict that transgender students must be allowed to choose whichever restroom they wish to use in our public schools, based not on the gender they were born with, but on the gender they "feel" comfortable with. What an opportunity for all the sexually twisted boys, in our schools (at an age when sexual confusion runs rampant through the hormones of our adolescent and teen-aged kids) to take advantage of this opportunity to say they "felt" like girls when they walked into the girl's restroom, or locker room, but discovered (surprise, surprise!!!) they were really "bisexuals" before they raped your little adolescent daughter (and even gang-raped her, as children of that age tend to do everything their peers do, and go everywhere together). Our children will have no privacy protection whatsoever! But the twisted boys will be protected from punishment because the liberal bureaucrats say we can't discriminate against their "feelings"!!!

Talk about, "the lunatics running the asylum"!!! And the head lunatic resides in the White House, today! But, will we elect another lunatic in his place who has pledged to continue his "legacy"??? Hillary Clinton apparently sees nothing wrong with Obama's policies, which means they will be continued, and even increased in their perversion, if she is elected to his place!

That is the only good thing I can see about a possible Trump election. HE IS NOT HILLARY CLINTON!!!

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