Monday, June 6, 2016

An "Overnight Epiphany"

Maybe, or maybe not...I don't know. But I did wake up this morning in a very strange mood. I felt more rested, and refreshed, than I usually do. And I had a very calm sense that I had received some sort of overnight revelation of the way future societies will likely address certain "problems" that seem to plague today's nations, and cultures around the world. Yet, I did not actually recall any sort of dream (where are King Nebuchadnezzar's dream counselors, when I need them?)

As a professing "born again" Christian, I am not going to bore the reader with claims of "Psychic Sensitivity", and I will not start a television series claiming to be the local "Medium", Palm Reader, or any other form of Satanic delusion, witchcraft, or even hypnosis! I won't claim to believe in those phenomenon, or not. They are absolutely irrelevant to me, one way or another, as I have considered the source of all of them (Satanic, one way or another), and I refuse to participate in any of their practices.

But, there is one source of future revelation that is acceptable to Christians through Biblical prophecy. That is through divine revelation, either through awakened visions (for young people, whose hearts apparently need to be strong enough to receive a message from God, without having a "conniption fit"), or sleeping through God's message (we call that "dreaming"). I don't claim any special revelation from God, but I will say that if He did want to give me some message, it would be thoroughly consistent with the Bible. Both the Old Testament, and the new record the prophecy of the prophet Joel, in Joel 2: 28, which says, "it shall come to pass..., that I (God) will pour out My Spirit on all flesh: your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions." (I fit in there somewhere; I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out where.)

The Apostle Peter referred to this prophecy, in the second chapter of Acts: verse 17, when he almost correctly quotes this prophecy, only reversing the reference to the young men, and the old (I wonder if that was a statement of importance to all of us of the various revelations).

Never the less, I offer what "revelation" I am convinced that I have received, without comment as to it's veracity. I leave that up to the reader to judge. Feel free to judge what I say, as you are not judging me (beyond proclaiming my "message"), and I do not claim any veracity to it, beyond my own convincing. I'll leave it up to you, if you want to believe any of it.

I woke up this morning, feeling very calm about some issues that had admittedly troubled me for quite some time. The runaway American federal debt, and for that matter the whole world's national debt problem. I expected that it was all so great, everywhere, as to be impossible to repay. It must be cancelled and some other currency created to take the place of all the various currencies, immediately upon cancellation, if worldwide rioting were not to take place, all around the world, (such as took place recently, in Venezuela). I expect that this will in some way help to usher in the Antichrist's rise to power, as the dictator of a one-world, socialist government. If his European government decides that they will no longer accept any form of paper currency as payment for any transaction, nor legally allow any such transactions within their borders, then all their debts could be paid off with valueless currencies (which would have been previously agreed to, upon acquiring the debt), that would no longer be accepted as legal currency, anyway. The "new economy" would be based upon computer "bits", such as the "Bitcoin" that was recently experimented with, but was not well received. It was not received well because we still have a currency-backed economy, and most people's wealth is measured (or denominated) in dollars, and cents.

But, if the dollar were "cancelled", and only computer "bits" legally accepted as payment for wages, transactions, and as payment for debts within their country, then those "bits" would automatically be relevant. All bank deposits would transfer their dollar denominations into some agreed upon amount of "bits" having the spending capacity of the accounts' previous dollar denominations. (Donald Trump's billions would probably be worth a few bucks, and he'd probably build his next casino for pennies, or the "bit" equivalent.) But, as runaway hyperinflation would probably follow, the value of each account would diminish daily (if not faster), so people who didn't wish to participate in the "new" computer economy would see their bank accounts evaporate before their eyes. And they wouldn't be legally able to withdraw their money, since paper currency would no longer be legal, anyway. So their only choice would be to use the computer currency, and transfer their dollar denominated currency into "bits", or end up watching their previous wealth evaporate into banking "thin air". Most people would acquiesce, which would be acceptable for Christians, at the start. But soon the computer hackers especially from China, and like countries, would make hacking into bank accounts their primary source of income, necessitating an identification computer chip being placed under the skin of each account holder's right hand (or wrist, which was considered part of the hand in ancient Israel, when God spoke the prophecy to the Apostle John), or forehead (if they are handicapped, without functioning hands). These kind of chips are being used today to place in the back of the necks of our pets, for identification, in case they are lost. How simple to apply it towards bank account security.

The only problem for Christians is that God has forbidden our participation in this system! This is clearly expressed in Revelation 13: 16 through 18. Anyone who takes the "mark of the Beast" upon their right hand, or forehead (if their right hand has been amputated, or otherwise made useless), will suffer God's wrath, intended for the devil, and his demonic angels! That's pretty explicit, if you ask me!!! So, I think I'd rather starve than do that! But I expect the Lord to "Rapture" us all before we are faced with that choice.

Pity those who heard the Gospel message before all this comes to pass, and chose to ignore it! They will miss the "Rapture", and their only hope of salvation after that will carry some sort of death-sentence with it. Either starvation, for not participating in the Antichrist's economic system, or being "Beheaded", probably as a criminal for not doing so!

In this way, the Antichrist's economic system will be able to rid itself of unwanted "refuse": First, it will purge itself of all the paper currency of the world, which will become legally valueless. And, second it will purge itself of that most hated commodity, the troublesome Christians of the world! But they will only prevail for a short time (7 years?). Then the Lord will decide to come back, send the devil, the Antichrist, and all those who followed him, to the pits of Hell, forever! Then He will establish His thousand year "Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth", and we will live, and reign with Him forever!!! "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus...!!!"

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