Friday, May 27, 2016

Things Could Get Uglier, and Uglier...

To borrow the phrase from that well-known English philosopher, Alice, of "Wonderland" fame, "Things are getting 'curiouser', and 'curiouser'...", in the Presidential election race. But, it all could get real ugly, real fast, and God only knows how it's all going to turn out.

On the Republican side, we have the presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, all but declaring victory in the election, already, after some "super delegates" pledged their convention votes to him, which they were not required to do, legally. This puts his delegate tally one vote over the minimum to be the nominee (1238, versus the minimum of 1237 delegates), as of the first ballot. As regular delegates are bound to vote for their primary winners, ONLY on the first ballot, it is crucial for the Trump campaign to lock up the nomination before another ballot becomes necessary. If a second ballot were to take place, God only knows who would eventually be selected for the Republican nominee!

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has received a scathing denouncement by the State Department's Inspector General's office. She has been accused of not even asking their office for approval of her intended use of a private (and security "unsecured") phone server (which the Inspector General's office assures us she would not have received, if she had asked). This is beginning to shape up as her possibly being the first person in American history to be on the verge of receiving her party's nomination to the presidency, about the same time as she might receive an indictment from the F.B.I.! Then we would have to wonder if the thoroughly corrupt Obama administration would allow their Justice Department to prosecute a Democratic nominee. Or, would Obama fail to allow an F.B.I. indictment to be enacted, and the subject to be fully prosecuted, as the Constitution mandates, or, would they make sure a "sham" trial would exonerate Hillary, regardless of guilt, or innocence, in a desperate effort to keep Democratic control of the White House? Obama, and his "lackeys" are capable of just about any "quasi-legal" manipulation of the law, if it appears to suit their purposes. (We thought we had seen the worst in an illegal presidency with Nixon, didn't we?) Well, "Fasten your seat belts, boys, it looks like we're in for a bumpy ride" (to quote Bette Davis, in some old movie, the name of which I have forgotten).

All this makes me wonder if God is not trying to confuse all of us who are habitually used to practically worshipping our presidential candidates (I can remember, as a child, being hugged by my consoling mother, over the "terrible" news that J.F.K. had been elected president, after I had set my heart on a Nixon presidency (talk about being, "careful what you wish for"!). Well, I learned my lesson years ago; are we, as a nation, about to see how good we really are at choosing a "savior" president?!! One has to wonder...

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