Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Presidential Wisdom...Who Had It, And Who "Ain't Got It"

The most obvious example of a president whose intelligence far exceeds his wisdom resides, for the time being, in the White House, now. Obama is perhaps the most brilliant "idiot" to ever reside in the Presidential Palace. The term "idiot" is obviously not appropriate, not because I am reluctant to use such terms describing one of such important status, but because it also implies an insufficient level of intelligence. In his case I use it derogatorily, as his high level of intelligence is not sufficient to override his pathetic lack of wisdom! Any man, or woman, in a position of great authority who can come up with a policy such as his recent ruling to allow transgender school children to use whichever restroom, or locker room, they choose (not based on their birth-sex, but based upon their present feelings) is so obviously lacking in discernable wisdom as to not deserve the appropriate title of a "fool", because it does not carry enough derogatory implication with it! I can not contain my revulsion for anyone who can honestly call this a good idea! And, Hillary wants to, "Preserve his legacy"! You've got to be kidding me! Whatever Obama's intention, you can bet that his administration will be remembered for this kind of perverse foolishness, whether it is allowed to stand, or not.

As I wrote previously, I suspect that Obama doesn't really expect the Supreme Court to uphold this foolish edict. He may be simply "throwing a bone" (pardon the expression) to the Democratic voting L.G.B.T. people, expecting to blame it's overturning on the Supreme Court. One must only hope so! But whatever his intention, the fact that he proposed such foolishness will brand his "legacy" forever. Bare that in mind, Hillary, when you talk about the "Obama Legacy"!

Sometimes a president can overcome his lack of intelligence, or experience, by surrounding himself with brilliant advisors. Obama, on the other hand, apparently considers like-mindedness to be of more value to him than intelligence, let alone wisdom. I think it was his choice for U.N. Ambassador who was asked about the terrorists in the middle east, who came up with the brilliant idea that all the terrorists needed was, "...more jobs". That was her solution to the terror problem, internationally!!! Good grief!!! How pathetically stupid!

Intelligence alone is not sufficient for the presidency; if wisdom (the sometimes innate ability to discern good from evil, or right from wrong) does not go along with it, he, or she, will be a pathetic failure. If a president is not overly intelligent, but has enough basic wisdom to discern "right" from "wrong", then he can serve his country adequately. This includes times of great National peril.

George Washington was not a great military strategist, but he was wise enough to surround himself with others who were. This included perhaps the greatest strategist of the Continental Army, during the Revolution, Benedict Arnold. Arnold was a man of great military strategic capabilities, and the courage to back it up. Unfortunately, his greedy avarice overcame whatever wisdom he possessed, and we know what became of that!

On the other hand, Washington recognized superior strategy in others, and rejected his own plans for other, better, ones. Case in point, one of his generals, Henry What'shisname (I forget) was a book seller before the war, but came up with the idea of bringing the artillery from Fort Ticonderoga, which had recently been captured (primarily by benedict Arnold), and using it's installation around Boston to force the strategic withdrawal of the British troops there. Later, I think it was his acceptance of French General Rochambeau's strategy, over his own, which led to a decided victory that we call today the "Battle of Yorktown", which incidentally forced the British surrender, and the end of the war.

Lincoln was obviously possessed of great intelligence, and great wisdom, probably gained from years of reading the Bible as a child, as it was perhaps their only educational tool in his poor family, and he not only used it to learn to read, but must have absorbed it's wisdom in the process. It led him to resolve not to avenge the union upon the defeated Confederate states, but to try and welcome them back into the Union, a policy that was adhered to somewhat, even after his assassination, and barely enough to hold the Union together, so far. (People like Obama seem bent upon tearing it apart again!).

The Roosevelts, both Teddy and Franklin, seemed to have sufficient wisdom to go along with high intelligence, though their wisdom seems to have been gathered from practical experience, especially Teddy's. Eleanor's was more lacking, based upon her reputed instruction to her daughter that, "sex is what we must endure in order to have children". (No wonder Franklin sought solace else ware, I wonder if God will take that into consideration for him?)

J.F.K. was obviously brilliant, though his wisdom served him better for the "big picture", like the Cuban Missile Crisis, than for his personal life. For that, he tended to think too much with his genitals, and not enough with his eminent brain power. A like affliction was also suffered by Bill Clinton, who's intelligence was pathetically overruled by claims such as, "I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman." As if he was so stupid that he could not recognize that oral sex was also a form of sexual intercourse, even if it is not the typical form. Or worse, did he really think we were so stupid that we did not recognize this fact?

Then we have George W., who was not reputed to hold great powers of intelligence; he of the reputed "strategery" line. (Did he actually say that? Or was that just S.N.L.'s attempt at ridiculing a Republican president? I don't know.) But his term was marked by consistent wisdom, perhaps excepting the invasion of Iraq. I don't mourn the passing of Sadam Hussein, but the intelligence reports of Weapons of Mass Destruction were either in error, or they should not have been publicized so early before the lengthy arms buildup before the invasion, so Sadam could ship the weapons to some other country, like Russia, or Iran. I have long wondered about the truth of this. Ain't it amazing that "weapons of mass destruction", like poison gas have "miraculously" appeared out of thin air, to be used against Syrian rebels in the prolonged war there, with the assistance of the Russians!

Today we have the Clintons wanting at least another term in the White House. We have already seen how Bill's intelligence fares in conflict with his sexual urges. Hillary may be indicted by the F.B.I., for her E-mail security breach (boy it took a lot of wisdom to figure out if that was a good idea, or not!). And Bernie is a die-hard Socialist ("Nuff said!").

Trump does not have an astounding level of intelligence, that's obvious! Neither does he possess much wisdom, as his unnecessary taunting of Carly Fiorina's face indicated, followed recently by his denouncing of his "Trump University Scandal" trial judge for being biased by his Mexican ancestry. He does seem to have enough wisdom to hire better people to surround himself with, the only question is, "will he listen to them?" Still, like I wrote before, his best quality is that he is NOT HILLARY!!!

This election race seems to be one of, "which candidate will back up over the finish line, first?"; or, "which will do the least amount of harm to our national security, while in office?" May God have mercy upon us all, if we collectively guess wrong, come November!!!

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