Monday, June 20, 2016

I've Read The Last Chapter Of The Book...

Just read a caption on a Fox News show which said the Department of Homeland Security has found that 25% of all "Americans" who are trying to join I.S.I.S. come from Minnesota. Must be those dad-burned Irish Catholics, or German Lutherans, or maybe the Norwegians that settled in that area about 100 years ago. I think a bunch of Polish immigrants settled that part of the country, or was that Wisconsin? How about all those Somalian immigrants that were settled in that area? Gee, I wonder which ethnic group would want to join I.S.I.S., so they could kill people in Syria, and help set up an international Muslim Caliphate, and eventually destroy Israel??? Gee, I can't guess!!!

I'll bet the reason that these idiots are falling all over themselves to join I.S.I.S. is because they have read the Koran's prediction ("Prophecy"?) of a coming Mahdi (a "holy" prophet, or leader) who will establish this Caliphate, and all the rest. There is just one problem with's all a big fat lie!!! I've read the last chapter of another book (the Bible) which says it ain't so! These poor fools will find out soon enough that God is not going to allow them, or anyone else, to destroy Israel!!! Their fervor is laudable, but they read the wrong book. My Bible says that 83 1/3rd.% of the eventual invasion force (composed of Russian military, and international Muslim militias) will be destroyed by God, upon the, "Mountains of Israel" (according to Ezekiel 38, & 39).

These two books can't both be right, one has to be a lie, and I'd rather sit back here and wait for it all to play out, then to guess wrong, and find out about it, when God destroys the invasion force and casts them all into Hell. And I think I know which one is right, and which one is the lie! I can only guess how He will bring it all to pass, and I have no idea when it will happen (I suspect that God is probably waiting for the final tally of all the idiots who choose to ignore His warnings, and prefer to believe the lie), but I do know how it will end! And it will be real bloody, for those who come against Israel!!! They'll be real sorry they chose the wrong side, for a very, very long time (like, maybe, eternity!). I'm not too worried about the Muslims who remain here, afterwards, they'll be so shocked and disillusioned by the outcome that they will immediately begin to behave themselves, and all their explosive vests will end up at the Muslim military surplus stores!!! We might even see an anti-Muslim, turn to Christianity among the survivors, as they recognize that they were fed a lie, and come to recognize, and prefer the truth of Christianity, afterwards. At least for seven years (time for a new generation of fanatical buffoons to want to commit suicide, so they can spend eternity (in Hell), desperately searching for their seventy-two virgins!)

Do I sound like I don't care for these people? I don't, particularly. They have mostly lived in America for years, sponging off our Welfare system, and watching television (which is blanketed with Christian T.V. shows that talk about roughly the same messages that I write about). If they want to reject the warnings that are implied in these shows, and prefer to believe the lies that are written in their Koran, then they will have their reward for doing so. I'm sorry, but I won't lose much sleep over them!!!

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