Saturday, June 18, 2016

"Give Them An Inch, They'll Take A Mile..."

Two days ago, I posted that (against my better judgement) I was about to agree with a Liberal position. I do not repent for the very specific, and highly qualified position I expounded, that if the N.R.A., or any other Lobbying interest has paid any Congressmen, of either party, to block any potential legislation that will inhibit the purchasing of assault rifles by criminals, and certainly known terrorists, and even a profile list of potential terrorists, then they should be summarily voted out of office, and replaced by others who will place our public safety ahead of their personal greed. And if the Bill of Rights protects us all from profile lists, it must be carefully amended to allow it, but only in very specific cases, related to national security.

I wrote that with a strong sense of "fear and trembling", because any time you agree with a reasonable position from the left (as rarely as you can find one), it is invariably distorted by Liberals to mean approval of a much more diabolical position that appears similar, but infringes on the rights of the law-abiding citizens, which those legal concerns are supposed to protect. My post very carefully delineated between concern that criminals, and terrorists (and even suspected potential terrorists) not be given easy access to the purchase of assault rifles, and other automatic weapons, and the general public, otherwise, who not only should, but must be guaranteed free access to the purchase of the same weapons. The prohibiting of weapons capable of fighting a government coup, or assisting in the defense against a foreign aggressor, is not only unconstitutional, but it threatens a fundamental basis for our freedom of the past nearly 250 years.

Also, we must maintain our free access to these kinds of weapons in order to potentially defend ourselves from these very criminal elements, and terrorists (who probably will be able to obtain them, illegally, anyway), during the lag time between a 911 phone call to the police, and their arrival time. The police are good at what they do, but they are not perfect. There must be room for personal protection before the arrival of police protection.

Today, I heard on T.V. that the Obama White House has begun to circulate a petition on the internet calling for the absolute banning of all sales of AR15 assault rifles (the most popular kind, which I understand is the commercial equivalent to the military's M16 rifle). Leave it to the Liberal Administration to take our reasonable concern for not allowing the easy access of these weapons to criminals, and terrorists, and distort it to seem that we don't want anyone to own them, except the military and police, who at least would be legally chargeable if they disobeyed a liberal coup attempt. Hmmmmmm, does it seem like maybe there is an ulterior motive here???

Couple that with news reports that the Clintons' personal lobbying foundation (obviously run by Bill) was accepting tens of millions of dollars from Arabic countries, at the time when Hillary was serving as Secretary of State, most notably from Saudi Arabia, the country that gave us Osama Bin Laden, the founder of Al Quiada, and the brains behind the 911 Twin Towers plane crashes. Perhaps this graft was the major motivation behind the order to "stand down", that led to the Benghazi fiasco. Did that order come directly from Hillary, by way of an unsecured E-mail from Bill? (One can only wonder!) And we are really considering putting these people back in the white House??!! Come on!!! Wake up, America! Why don't we all just slit our own throats with kitchen knives, and make it easier for the liberals, who really hate America's freedoms, and can't wait for the Antichrist to take over the world, anyway!!!

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