Friday, April 1, 2016

Can A Third Party Candidate Actually Win?

I wonder! I know the traditional view is, "No!". These candidates are usually the "sour grapes losers" of the nominating process, intending not to seriously contend for a victory, but merely to throw the election in the favor of their opposition party candidate, to show their party's nominee that they can't win the election without their constituents. There have been rumblings of discontent from most of the candidates; and then there's Hillary! She may not make it to the Democratic convention, before she is indicted! I wouldn't be surprised to see Vice President Joe Biden roaming around the Convention floor trying to pick up some forlorn Clinton delegates, if she is fighting a federal indictment, in court. Obama may decide that he must fight Sanders, rather than have the Democratic party actually admit that they are supporting an admitted Socialist, instead of all the previous Socialists, who wouldn't admit it!

If Trump loses the general nomination battle, he will certainly blame it on the leaders of the Republican party, and likely run a bitter third-party race, just to "stick it to whoever beats him" (over-grown spoiled brats can always be counted on to "take their football, and go home!") Sanders might want to create a Socialists party, but I don't think he would get enough financial backing to pull it off. Same for Kasich, and any "Ohio-Against-The-World" party dreams.

But I wonder if Cruz could not only put together a third party of predominantly Evangelical Christian voters, but also raise enough financing to actually win the election??? Christians are tired of being thought of as the side-issue conservatives that must be thrown an occasional "bone", like lip-service acknowledgment, and then virtually ignored thereafter, because we have "no where else to go"! What if Cruz actually gave us somewhere else to go, when we couldn't stomach either regular party candidate? I don't know if he could buck the trend of third-party-losers, but it is certainly intriguing to contemplate. Perhaps the "Grand Old Party" has gotten a bit too old to be so "grand", any more!

Then again, I'm already on record as suspecting that God is likely to allow some nitwit Democrat to win the election, to continue Obama's dismantling of every aspect of America's greatness, except the Church, of course. I've said this because I don't see how the Antichrist can come to power over his prophecied One-World government, if America regains it's former greatness. And I think Cruz would instinctively endeavor to restore that as soon as possible. If he did, that would push the time-line of Biblical prophecy back considerably. Ultimately, that would not be desirable, but a brief respite from "America the Obmanation" would be nice!!! No matter how short-lived!

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