Saturday, April 2, 2016

Is Israel Helping The Saudis In Yemen?

I have long suspected that the Israelis had Neutron Nuclear capability, developed in America, and "discarded" (tee hee, hyuk hyuk hyuk! Oh sure!) by our military, as "too dangerous"! Israeli "intelligence" has an uncommon ability to "acquire" American military capabilities through "miraculous means" (which is to be clarified as distinct from "outright shared technology"). This was the story line back in the days of the "Cold War", and it's policy of "Mutual Assured Destruction". Since then, I have not heard of any confirmation from the I.D.F., or from our own Military that this was the case.

A little "googling" on the W.E.B. today brought this interesting story to my attention: From a magazine that calls itself, the "Veterans Today" (subtitled: a "Journal for the Clandestine Community"). It sounded extremely Liberal in it's viewpoint, so I am immediately suspicious of it's motives (Perhaps a carry-over from the anti-war days, of the '60's, and '70's; or maybe some Neo-Nazi, and White supremacist organization, I don't know; but the magazine has been accused of anti-Semitism, so that gives us some sense of caution, and the article was crying for international condemnation for the attack, as a "war crime"! ). But the article seemed to be rather meticulous in establishing the proof of it's charge that Israeli-owned F-16 aircraft, with Saudi Arabian paint jobs (since the Saudi's do not own any F-16's) have dropped at least two neutron nuclear bombs on the Iranian-backed forces fighting in Yemen. These charges were accompanied by statistical info describing the effect of the explosion in a manner that could "only be a neutron bomb", and could "only be delivered by an F-16", (their words, not mine), which only the Israelis own in that theater. Again, I can not verify the accuracy of the story, I merely pass it along. If it is true, it is very interesting, on two points!

This would confirm two interesting suspicions: One, that the Israeli's do, in fact have Neutron nuclear capability; and, two, that the Saudi's have accepted the practical perspective of, "the enemy of my enemies is my friend", in allying themselves with Israel, to thwart a mutual enemy, Iran, in it's attempt at expansionist hegemony, into the Arabian peninsula.

I have long suspected (as I said) that Israel got American neutron technology, because of the description of their defense against the Russian/Muslim (mostly from Iran) invasion force, recounted (2500 years in advance) by God in His prophetic revelation to the Prophet Ezekiel. It describes an almost total annihilation of the invasion force (83 1/3rd % destruction), without the expected destruction of their armaments. Neutron Nuclear weapons kill people, but do not destroy buildings, or equipment (such as weapons, or vehicles [which are apparently constructed of highly compressed wood fiber, which is stronger, and more flexible than steel; since they are prophecied to be burning their weapons for seven years thereafter]). 2500 years ago it would have been easy to picture the burning of weapons, but in modern warfare, it's hard to envision the burning of tanks, trucks, helicopters, etc., but, as they say, "God said it, and I believe it, and that settles it for me". This, against an Army that is led by the second most technologically advanced military on earth (Russia), which can only be defeated by the technology of the first! Since America doesn't have the guts to attack Russia, outright, it would have to do so by allowing a proxy (Israel?) to use it's technology against a mutual enemy (Russia, through it's proxy; Iran). Remember, Israel used to be an ally of America, before Obama's (Muslim) Administration. God only knows what we are now!

This is the first confirmation of an Israeli/Saudi alliance, though. It had been publicly speculated that this might be inevitable, since Iran hates Israel the most, but wants the Saudi oil fields that are separated from their own by only the Persian Gulf. Also, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are blood enemies because of what would seem to us, as outsiders, to be minor differences in perspective of Islamic doctrine, but to them it constitutes "heresy" vs. absolute "truth" (as if anyone in the Muslim world can deal with the truth!) It makes sense that Iran should go after Saudi Arabia, and the other oil Emirates, first, because their defenses are weaker than Israel's. Russia, meanwhile pretends to be neutral, pretending to "draw down" it's military forces supporting their ally, Syria, (for fear of forcing America to defend Saudi Arabia). Recent evidence concludes that this is a hoax, however, and one supposes that Vladimir Putin must be salivating over the potential acquisition of the Saudi oil fields, or their destruction (it probably doesn't matter which, to him, since he would certainly shut off the recent Saudi glut of oil being pumped into the market, driving down the prices of his own country's oil, which is absolutely crucial to it's economy)! Saudi Arabia has been pumping high levels of oil, in an effort to bankrupt the American oil companies' newly "fracked" production. Any guesses who intends to buy those companies after they declare Bankruptcy? Probably through American proxies, but it will still wreak of Saudi oil money!

So, what's all this talk about Saudi Arabia, and not Yemen? Does anyone really believe that the battle is for Yemen? Yemen has nothing of value except sand dunes, and poverty-stricken people! Iran obviously wants Yemen territory, with which it will launch an invasion against the Saudi's, and their Emirate neighbors (and the Saudis can use the easily swayed, poverty-stricken people, who are mostly their Sunni Muslim-believing brethren); after which Iran would probably leave the oil fields to the Russians, whose technology they'll need when they later attack Israel (Russia would gladly step in then, since it would count on American weak-kneed caution [Obama?] to figure it was too late to stop them). But God has defeated that plan, already, by warning the Israeli's some 2500 years ago, through the prophet Ezekiel! ( Did you think I was the only one who believed the Ezekiel prophecy? ) The Israelis have known about this, and believed it, ever since it was given to Ezekiel. They just weren't willing to talk about it much, as I am. The only ones who refuse to believe it are the Russians, and the Iranians, with whomever their other allies are (these Neutron bombing raids may be Israel's way of "warning" the Russians, and Iranians of what they can look forward to, if they decide to attack Israel). The truly sad thing is I don't believe they are ignorant of this prophecy! The Russians have Bibles, too. They just don't allow anyone to believe it, inside the Kremlin! Well, they will, real soon! And for a very long time thereafter (eternity!). Praise the Lord!!!

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