Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Europe Is "Politically Correct", Even When It's Not!

On March 25,I wrote about the European obsession with "Political Correctness", and their "Open Borders" policy that has created the freedom for Islamic terrorists to move from potential bombing targets with impunity, and to easily escape the crime scenes, provided they don't choose to blow themselves up. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in Belgium, where desperate defenses of these policies resounded after the recent bombings, in Brussels. I understand that the Europeans are concerned with the concept of allowing free trade to continue across these open borders, as opposed to the closed borders of past decades, when bureaucratic nightmares made it virtually impractical, if not impossible, to export products across borders that could easily be walked across, except for the tariffs that opposing governments imposed. But to protect the free export of international terrorism across these borders is another matter. I guess the profits accrued by the open borders make the greedy corporations, and the politicians that support them, callously blind to the heartache of the surviving family members of those who are innocently murdered in these acts of terrorism.

And here we have our nitwit President trying desperately to get us to adopt these same European policies, so we can have the same level of mindless terrorism here. Let me remind you, Mr. President, that the European "Open Border" policy was a copy of our interstate trade laws, which are not in danger of being repealed. The only thing that might change is our ability to move freely, from state to state, if the terrorism situation becomes as critical here, as the Europeans have allowed it to become over there.

The principles of Marxist Socialism cites that, "out of chaos comes order". True, but what it ignores is that the form of order usually is totalitarian, as it was when the chaos of the hyperinflationary years of 1920's Germany brought about the "Order" of Hitler's Nazi Germany, in the 1930's, and '40's. We don't need a "Hitler" to restore his idea of "Order" here, even if he is rich enough to try and buy his own election to the Presidency!!! All we need is for Obama to leave office without doing any more violence to the Constitutional form of government that we have left. But, fat chance that will happen!

Three days after I wrote about this, I was moved to write about the meaning of the "Great Whore" symbolism of Revelation 17,and 18. I suggested that the recent bombings in Brussels was not enough to cause the European Parliament politicians to panic, and move to a "safer" location (like Rome, perhaps???). But, further acts of terrorism in close proximity to the European Commonwealth Headquarters, especially if they occur soon, could create a feeling of insecurity that might force them to consider moving.

Remember, I'm not making any prophetic predictions; but if it works out something like I described, it has to be more than "coincidence". Only, I'm not the prophet, here. The Apostle John did a much better job, in the book of Revelation, nearly 2000 years ago than I could ever hope to!

[UPDATE: 4/11/2016--
So far, the Belgian police seem to be doing an excellent job of cracking down on the terror cells in Belgium. This is, of course, "after the fact" of the terrorist bombings in Brussels. My concern for the safety of the peaceful citizens of Belgium, and indeed all of Europe, and those traveling through it, is for the bombings, and not for the punishment of the terrorists, as few of them that remain alive. It's great that their police are very capable of detecting the guilty parties, if they survive, but until you can convince would-be terrorists of the future, that they will likely be detected before they can carry out their plans, this will continue. These idiots honestly believe they have "beaten the rap", by committing suicide before the police can arrest them. What a shock it must be for them to find out that God's name is not "Allah", and that His punishment for their crimes while alive will be infinitely worse than imprisonment on earth, and there is no such thing as a "life sentence" with Him! It's eternity, for good, or ill!!!

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