Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Out Of Political Chaos...Comes More Chaos

Sorry, Karl Marx, but your professed formula for the establishment of political "order" doesn't work today, any more than it did in the 1917 Russian revolution, nor the 1931 election of Adolph Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany. Sure, it may get your despotic followers to wrest political power from wishy-washy democratic officials, who run on a campaign designed to preserve their governmental jobs perpetually, without actually having to do anything positive for their constituents. But to say that true political relief for a frustrated, and overburdened national voting public can come through your divisive policies is an outright lie.

Case in point: Hillary Clinton has vowed to come to the "rescue" of our poor downtrodden academicians in all the country's Community Colleges, and Universities that are struggling to pack their lecture halls with students who are desperate to find the education they need to get descent jobs in the workforce, when they graduate. Her "solution" if elected president, would be to get Congress to fund a $350 billion bailout to the above mentioned school systems in order to provide government funding for more student loans, to pay tuitions for more students, who will be enslaved to their student debt for decades, even allowing "free" tuition for Community College students. If that doesn't sound like Welfare for college professors to you, it sure does to me. The whole problem with the U.S. colleges today is not the lack of students, but the high cost of College Education, and the relatively few students who can afford tuition, without locking themselves into decades of debt, accrued in obtaining an education that qualifies them for nothing more than participation in Marxist demonstrations to force the government to give them more bailouts, of taxpayers' money. So, what is Hillary's solution? More government bailouts, which will further weaken the value of everyone's dollars, but will guarantee that our "poor" college professors do not lose their bloated-salary jobs, teaching their students how to be good little socialists, and also guaranteeing that their colleges, and universities will not only maintain their exorbitant tuitions, but will actually raise them in the near future, to cover their "high" costs of educating our children to be able to do nothing but protest for bailouts to go back to school and earn more useless degrees. These so-called "high costs" are directly related to the projected inflation of their professors' salaries, which they will demand, once they realize that their schools are getting a "windfall" of government guaranteed student loan payments, and they want their "cut" of the "windfall". And the universities will keep paying their inflated salaries because they feel assured that the government will give them more "bailouts" of student loan guarantees, so they can enslave more of our children with more debt. What a cruel, and vicious cycle! The government pays "bailout" money to the schools, which don't teach our children how to earn a good living in a free market, leaving our children enslaved to the government to pay off their student loans, which many can't because they were not taught relevant professions, or trades. So, they default on their debts, but Hillary doesn't care, because she expects to be out of office by that time.

It's clear that the "Perpetual-Education" Lobby, in Washington, is running amok, and will continue to scream for more, and more bailouts to pay for worthless educations, until someone has the courage to tell them to "shut up!, and get a real job". Then, if they turn a deaf ear to the Education establishment's endless appeals, like Hillary apparently can not do, we will see a closure of the less relevant Colleges, across the country. Then the next level of irrelevant Colleges will wake up, and fire all the overgrown "Hippy" professors who have been living off of their government protected salaries, since they graduated in the irrelevant 70's, (and are still looking for the communist revolution they expected back then) and will pay only those professors who actually teach their students how to be productive employees, and business owners in a robust economy, that will provide more jobs for the rest of us, producing goods and services that are in high demand, because they actually work for the purchasers. That's the formula for building a robust economy; unfortunately it will necessitate the closing of many of the more irrelevant schools (except for those that have built up generations of undeserved reputations, like Harvard, which will be available to the obscenely wealthy, only). Then we'll have plenty of street protests from the Harvard-educated Constitutional law students, who can't get elected President, and are unqualified for a real job! All they're qualified for is protesting for more government bailouts!!!

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