Friday, August 7, 2015

Was Trump Trumped Last Night?

In spite of the nauseating reports on Fox News today, Donald Trump did not have a good night last night. He was okay, mostly, but nothing spectacular, as one might reasonably gather by watching Fox News reports today. It's clear that what's-his-name, the owner of Fox, and their parent corporation (News Corporation), which also owns The Wall Street Journal is not above playing the William Randolph Hearst roll, in which Hearst told his California newspaper dynasty to, "Puff Graham", when he was impressed by a young, North Carolina Evangelist by the name of Billy, in the 40's, or 50's ( I forget which). But his intent to lend publicity to the early years of the Billy Graham Crusade, in Los Angeles, was clearly more God-inspired than any "Puff Job" could be touted for Donald Trump last night. He was clearly out-classed by at least three, and perhaps more of his peers, and "Milk-Toast Conservative" Jeb Bush was definitely not one of them! I personally was most impressed by Sen. Ted Cruz, who was one of the few candidates to use his final appeal minute to list his goals for what he intended to do, if elected, while most of the others simply listed their "qualifications" (which they seemed to consider time to list their previous job experiences). This gave Dr. Ben Carson the opportunity to inject a little humor into the proceedings by saying, "I'm the only one up here that has separated conjoined Siamese twins...", with no contradiction forth coming. But Sen. Cruz listed goals that would motivate his intended Administration from day one, including placing a hold on every Presidential Executive Order from the previous Administration, including "Obama Care", and that he would build a wall across our southern border, with Mexico. That's a pretty good start right there, if you ask me (which I did, since this is my blog), and I didn't hear too many like commitments from the rest of them.

Other that that I thought that Mike Huckabee came across as pretty genuine, as well as knowledgeable of current issues, as did Governor Scott Walker, and Sen. Marco Rubio, though he is reputed to be a bit soft on the immigration issue, which I guess is to be expected being a second-generation immigrant from Cuba, himself, and not wanting to alienate his Cuban immigrant constituency in South Florida. But the issue of illegal immigration has become too toxic in recent years to allow for his soft tendencies, or Jeb Bush's either. So, I personally would disqualify both of them right there. I thought that Dr. Ben Carson came across as rather cerebral, which could only be expected for the former head Neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University, and I was pleasantly surprised by the occasionally intelligent answers given by New Jersey Gov., Chris Christy, though I remain suspicious of his ability to remain composed in a crisis, and not to take revenge upon those who resist him (like we all know that he "didn't" last year, in the turnpike scandal). I thought Carly Fiorina came across well in the "Jay-vee Debate", at 5:00, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her in the top-ten format, in future debates.

All that brings me to the point of guessing what God has in mind for this up-coming election, if I may presume that much (which I do, because remember, it's my blog!). I still have to think that America must be in the midst of a desperate decline, and that third-world status is what we have to look forward to. I feel that the international situation is setting us up for the rise of the Antichrist's one-world government (probably in the European Commonwealth) and I don't see that as possible if America is able to reverse the horrendous failure of Obama's Administration. If I am unfortunately correct, and lets all hope I'm wrong, that would mean that most of the candidates I've mentioned would have to be excluded from the possibility of winning election, as they each would probably do a good job of reversing the quagmire that Obama has put us in.

With a little imagination, one might expect a good candidate to win the Republican Primary, with a bitter Donald Trump splitting the vote in the election, as a third party candidate. That doesn't strain the credulity too much, and the idiot Democrats would love to see it happen, so that they could elect "Hillary Obama, Jr.", or some other nitwit liberal who would complete the job that Barack started. Remember God's ways are not our ways, and if He has prophecied that the Antichrist's rise to power must happen, at least for seven years, then our prayers for the restoration of this country's righteousness may not be answered, politically at least. It may be that America is so evil that He is forced to bring His judgment upon us, lest He must apologize to Sodom, and Gomorrah. If that's true, I'd expect Him to "Rapture" His church (all those who have committed their lives to Jesus, and are "born-again" believers) shortly after the degradation of America becomes obvious to all. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the "Damnocrats", (pardon the typo) win the election in 2016, but lose the eternity!!!

As for the rest of us, if we lose the election in something like I've imagined, then I'd say it's really time to "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!", as the Lord said!!!

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