Monday, June 25, 2018

"... We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood..."

The title of this post many will recognize as from the Bible (Ephesians: 6, verse 12), which finishes with, "but, against...spiritual wickedness in high places".   I remember using this quote around election time, in 2016, when it looked debatable as to who our next president would be:  a criminal, whether convicted yet, or not; or, a man of questionable morality, but saying all the right things that this country needed to hear.  I admit I was quite perplexed, as I new I didn't want the former, but wasn't convinced that I could trust the latter!   Thank God that He knew which choice was best for us, and brought it to pass, even as a very near thing!!!

In my last post I stated that I thought the Democratic Party was the single most virulent anti-American movement in the world, today.  Not because they wish to undo the effects of Republican administrations, but because I believe their leaders want to dismantle the Constitution, and force us into joining the European, one-world Socialist government, that I believe they consider to be the last best hope for peace and prosperity for the world.  I allow that their intentions might be sincere, but their judgement is in terrible error, as the Bible prophecied, almost 2000 years ago, that such a movement would fail miserably when the people gave total control over to Satan's Antichrist, who will turn  the movement into a desperate anti-Christian tool of persecution, that the world has not seen the like of since the Romans fed them to the lions,  in the first century of the Church.

The Democrats, in their Socialist arrogance, obviously don't believe this, as they don't really believe in the Bible as a whole, except when the context can be twisted around to seem something that supports their particular view, usually in total disagreement with the intended context.  Hillary gave us a prime example recently, when she quoted Jesus' saying, "Suffer the little children to come unto me."  She twisted the word "Suffer", used by the Lord to mean, "allow", into the infliction of pain definition, in order to taunt President Trump for his recent decision to separate parents who cross our borders illegally, from their children (even though around 80% of the immigrant children arrive with no parents at all).  This reflects the Liberal tactic of trying to associate something they disagree with, with another, totally unrelated issue that they know most people find repugnant.  Rather than explain why they disapprove of the issue, they would rather try to associate it, so the unintelligent mind will understand that it is "bad", EVEN IF THEY CAN'T GRASP THE REAL ISSUE.  This demonstrates a very cynical view of their audience's intelligence, to say the least!!!

My main reason for believing that the Democrats wish to destroy our Constitutional government is the desperate hatred that they spout towards President Trump, and anyone who supports him, and conservatives in general.  This is not just disappointment in their candidate losing the election, they have lost before (with a whole lot less bitterness).  There seems to be a desperate outrage here, as if they counted on their hoped for victory to save them from the "evils" of our Republic, and bless them with the "eternal salvation" of their Socialist Utopia!  I don 't think anything less could bring about this level of vitriolic hatred, even with their hatred of Donald Trump!  There is clearly a spiritual level to their hatred, and I don't doubt that the Devil is in control of that!!!

Also,  even the brash negligence of Hillary Clinton's setting up a private, unsecured server to handle classified e-mails showed an arrogant confidence that she would not be prosecuted, even though she had to know that what she was doing was illegal.  If they won the election, they obviously intended to dismantle the Constitution, ridding themselves of  any culpability that they found inconvenient!   After losing the election, they expected their cronies in the F.B.I., and the Department of Justice to cover for them, until they can win the next elections!   God save us from that!!!

This is more than a Constitutional crisis!  It is a battle between the forces of good, and evil that will effect the entire world, one way or the other!!!  Which way we go will depend on how many of us pray, and how fervently!!!

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