Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Most Virulent Anti-American Force In The World

The Democratic Party, so-called; I believe they truly hate the Constitution, not because it is evil, but because it is not, and they don't even recognize this!   I strongly believe that most Democratic leaders are thoroughly convinced that the one-world Socialist government system that is being developed in Europe today is the real hope of world peace, and prosperity for the future.  Their motives may be sincere, but their judgement is in complete error!  The Bible makes it clear that this system,  which was prophecied to the Apostle John, almost 2000 years ago, in the book of Revelation (chapter 13) will fail miserably, because it's supporters will put their trust in one man, who will be given absolute power over them by Satan, himself,  and he will deceive his followers, and turn the world into his own blasphemous, anti-Christian, hate mongering domain, until Jesus decides that, "enough is enough", and it's time for Jesus to return to set up His own Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The main reason for their foolish confusion is that they do not believe in the Biblical truths, with the overwhelming exception of one principle, which they are banking on as their last best hope to destroy America.  I say, "destroy America", because they foolishly believe that our comparative prosperity must be ended, and that through that the rest of the world will magically become more prosperous!  They correctly believe that our prosperity will not end until we voluntarily give up our Constitutional form of government, and join in their one-world Socialist system.

But, they do not recognize that the freedoms our Constitution guarantees is the absolute source of our comparative prosperity.  If they destroy our Constitutional government, they will merely have us accept the eventually bankrupt system of world-wide Socialism, that Europe  is wrestling with now.

The one Biblical principle I mentioned that they are desperately employing to accomplish their goal is the principle that Jesus articulated that, "a house divided against itself  can not stand."  And, boy howdy!!!  Have we ever become a "house divided against itself!!!"  If we can not change this condition soon, we will eventually destroy ourselves, from the inside, out!  And I don't believe we can change this by ourselves!  This is a spiritual condition that requires spiritual power to break it!

But, fortunately we have a source of spiritual power that is greater than the spiritual power of the enemy, in God Almighty, through His Son Jesus Christ!!!  If enough of us pray for the Revival that is prophecied for the End Times, God can change the hearts of even the most dedicated international Socialists, and ...yes,  that means there is even hope for the Clintons, and the Obamas, believe it, or not!!!

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