Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Trump Impatient With Delay Of Release Of I.G. Report..."

The above quote is from a FOX NEWS story indicating Trump's impatience with apparent stalling of the release of the I.G.'s report, indicating possible pressure from both the corrupt top brass of the F.B.I., and the D.O.J. to stall the release of the Inspector General's report on the investigation into Hillary Clinton's E-mail scandal.  The whole strategy of the left seems to be obstruction of everything that Trump tries to establish, and stall  everything that makes them look bad, until after the Mid-term elections, which they desperately hope will return control of Congress to the Democrats, who will throw out any reports of "Deep State" illegality.

This is the first story I've heard of the main concern I've been wrestling with for the past several months!  Is this I.G. really as "Independent" as they have been saying he is, considering that he is under the direction of the F.B.I., which is in turn under the "control" of the D.O.J.???

Considering that speculation has been rampant that the main subjects in the investigation into the improper handling of the Clinton investigation centers primarily upon these very "Top Brass" officials,  it would seem likely that they might try to obfuscate  the issue by stalling the release of the report until they have had sufficient time to review it's findings, and redact it of any "sensitive national security information" (translated:  anything that points to them of illegal behavior!!!).  This is a classic case of the, "inmates running the asylum"!!!

So, just how "independent" is this Inspector General, anyway?  Legally he should have enough independence to disobey these officials, and release it when it is ready, without letting the criminals,   "in sheep's clothing," redact away any proof of their illegal obstruction of justice.  But, I wonder if this I.G. has the "guts" to implicate former superiors, let alone implicate a former First Lady, and former Presidential candidate, herself, even if the guilt is overwhelming!!!

I realize that I seem to be rather obsessed with getting these people prosecuted. and convicted of anything they are truly guilty of,  but it is not these people that concern me.  It is the arrogance of the whole "Deep State" that needs to be exposed, and severely punished, before the corruption of our federal government becomes so rampant as to destroy the power of the Constitution, which I am convinced is the ultimate goal of the "Deep Staters"!  I believe they are confirmed International Socialists, who obsessively believe that the "One-World Government" system ( which is prophecied to become the power tool of Satan's Antichrist) is the material solution to all the world's problems, and that the destruction of our Constitutional government must happen, before America will voluntarily submit to this evil movement!  Therefore, the issue is not just Republican vs. Democrat, or even Conservative vs. Liberal, but purely Good vs. Evil, from a Biblical perspective!!!

I realize that God will win in the long run, but there is no guarantee that America will survive His ultimate judgement, and I believe that He has left that choice up to us.  If enough of us will truly resist this blatant move towards evil, He will help us overthrow these evil people, and bring this nation into His salvation, eventually.  Of course, we must primarily resist them through prayer, not only for our deliverance from their evil intentions, but also from their deliverance from their obsession with this evil concept.   Jesus commanded us to, "pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you...", and this seems to me to be a classic case of that!!!  Many of today's preachers have been expecting the great revival prophecied for the last days, and we sure seem to be fertile ground for just that!!!

UPDATE:  (6/6/2018)--

From FOX NEWS today-- "The President has the authority to review the  UNREDACTED I.G. REPORT, before it is released to the public."

If this is true, I certainly hope President Trump exercises this authority, and immediately reviews this report, in it's unredacted, untampered with, and unadulterated form before the F.B.I. decides that it must be flushed down the toilette, because of "National Security concerns"!!! 

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