Thursday, July 7, 2016

"What Difference Does It Make???"

You're right about one thing, Hillary. Some things don't really matter, so it makes no difference, at all. But not everything! I forget the context of her comment, which apparently struck me as the whole point of that investigation of the Benghazi fiasco, otherwise the incredible lack of understanding on her part would not have stuck so imperatively in my mind. It was clearly a case of her wanting the whole situation to be forgotten, and "let's just move on from here". She was essentially saying, "so what!" to the needless deaths of three security force guards at Benghazi, and the American ambassador of Libya as well, and was sounding flippant about her responsibility (and perhaps Obama's also) in not sending enough of a rescue team to fight off the terror assault.

Well, Hillary, some things do matter to the American people, especially concerning your fitness to be President (and Obama's for that matter), or even whether you were fit to retain the job of Secretary of State. Between Benghazi, and your E-mail scandal, you are clearly unfit for either role! And yesterday, F.B.I. Director Comey tried the same tactic on the House committee investigating whether you should be indicted for your gross negligence for running secure E-mails on an unsecured server, after finding that you clearly did so. His rational was that you didn't intend for it to be wrong! How irrelevant is that!!! When someone is murdered, the intention of the murderer only determines the degree of punishment, not their guilt, or innocence!

The same standard should apply here. How many "second chances" does Hillary get, for her blatant incompetence??? She is not running for "Presidential Trainee", we need someone who is already capable of running the highest office in the land, not someone who plans to learn from her mistakes on the job! If she accidentally gets us into a Nuclear Conflagration, is it to be brushed aside with an, "Oops, sorry 'bout that"!??? Wake up America!!! She is not capable of making Presidential decisions, and Bill is too busy philandering to help in every crisis.

I'm not saying that Trump is either. But, perhaps his saving grace is his ability to recognize a crisis, and to listen to wiser counsel from better advisors. Nether Obama, nor Clinton have demonstrated the ability to do that!

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