Saturday, July 9, 2016

Is There A Real Conspiracy To Take Over The World???

I'm sure most of us have heard all the stories of International Conspiracies to take over the world, and all the claims that this person, or that person is the real Antichrist, prophecied to come, who will reign over the whole world, for seven years, before the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to put an end to it all, and establish His Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. All those claims are preposterous and those people either die, or are replaced by other leaders, putting the lie to the claims of them being the Antichrist. So, we naturally decide that the whole conspiracy theory is as "whacko" as the conspirators keep saying it is, so they can continue conspiring within our blessed ignorance.

But, there is certainly a conspiracy, if one believes the Bible, and looks at developments around the world. As preposterous as it sounds, there is an elitist cadre of hyper-rich, hyper-educated people ( who may even make a show of religious faith, of one kind or another) around the world who are conspiring to take over the world, to be managed by them, with the rest of us being conditioned to work for them, not as slaves, exactly, but as willing workers, who will do as they're told, in order to eat, and stay alive. How that differs from slavery is just a matter of degrees, I guess.

It doesn't matter if you and I believe in the monstrous megalomania that must consume these people, it only matters that they believe in it all, themselves, though their endless denials is their defense mechanism.

The one unifying point that is inescapable for born-again Christians is that Jesus prophecied the Antichrist's rise to world domination power, but He did so with the caveat that he would only succeed for a short time (seven years). I am not about to join the endless ranks of those who speculate that one person, or another will be the soon revealed Antichrist. I strongly suspect that we as believers will be "Raptured" to meet the Lord in the air, leaving those who "kindof..." believed, but did not confess Jesus as their Lord, and Savior, before the "Rapture" to try and survive those seven years, which will indeed be a living Hell on earth! I am convinced that this "Rapture" will occur before the Antichrist comes to power, therefore it is irrelevant to me as to the Antichrist's identity. All I have to do is make sure that I don't receive any mark on my hand, (or wrist, which was considered part of the hand by the ancient Prophets who warned us, thousands of years ago) or on the forehead, apparently for those whose hands have been amputated. I suspect that this so-called "mark" will probably be a subcutaneous computer chip, injected under a person's skin, similar to what we have today for our pets, in case they are lost, and the owner's identification must be recovered. (Don't worry, pet owners; Jesus only said that we PEOPLE should not have this mark. Anyway, Disney has assured us that, "All Dogs Go To Heaven", and that probably means other pets too. I guess they all didn't need the forgiveness that we desperately need in this sinful world.)

As far as material evidence that this evil conspiracy is genuine, I consider the present day absurd immigration policies, and their blind acceptance, worldwide, as part of this lunacy. Under the guise of "Humanitarianism", nations are marching lockstep to fling open their doors to the Syrian immigrants, most of whom are fleeing the fighting in the Middle-East, but who are camouflaging the terrorists who are bent on terrorizing the very countries that welcome them. At this point, logic should overwhelm any humanitarian concerns, and the immigration policies should be rescinded. Unless of course some one is dictating the orders to let these immigrants in, regardless! This of course doesn't make sense, unless the people issuing the orders have stated a policy of allowing a worldwide extermination of a billion people to ease the overpopulation of the world. Such are the reputed desires of the so-called "Bilderbergers", and the "Illuminati", and any other of these conspirators. They will all be unified under the monstrous banner of the Antichrist, someday.

Also, we have the worldwide economic crisis of debt as further evidence, in my mind, which is already so large that it cannot be repaid, with actual currency. Therefore I believe that the Antichrist will come to power by cancelling his country's currency-spending power, establishing a new currency (probably a variation of our "Bit coins", which need not be printed, but which can be accepted anywhere that has a computer). He will then print worthless currency to legally "repay" his countries monstrous debt (since their contracts presumably do not specify anything about the value of the currency to repay the debt). And then the countries that now hold all the worthless currency, along with their own monstrous debt, soon follow suit and repay their debtors, in worthless currency. I'm sure a world without believing Christians in it would just love to have someone who relieved them of their worldwide indebtedness, as their new Fearless Leader (thanks, "Rocky and Bullwinkle"). Then you will have the revealing of the Antichrist, but until all this happens all we need to do is worship Jesus, and don't let anyone give you a mark on the hand, wrist, or forehead!!!

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