Thursday, July 14, 2016

Kerry Needs To Be Cautious With Russia

I don't have a lot of faith in John Kerry's wisdom, as Secretary of State, any more than I did when he was a Senator. But, now he is trying to make a deal with Vladimir Putin to replace Russian bombing of the Al Nusra faction of Al Quiada in Syria, with American Jet sorties. His concern appears to be laudable, taking the responsibility for bombing raids out of the hands of Russian, and Syrian pilots who consider targets, irrelevant of possible civilian casualties. Since the primary tactic of terrorist organizations is to mingle their fighters with civilians, in order to place a heavy humanitarian guilt trip on those who contemplate attacks on their fighters, I don't see how this will help to drive Al Nusra out of Syria. But it will give them relief from the more cold-blooded bombing raids of the Russians and Syrians.

In the short run, this will be a significant benefit for the Syrian civilians, who will probably be used as human shields else ware. But, in the long run Kerry risks drawing the U.S. into the prophecied Gog/Magog, Russian invasion of the Middle-East, which I expect will begin shortly after I.S.I.S. is driven out of Syria, and Iraq. If that happens, we will have moved from fighting the international forces of evil, to being drawn into fighting against God, Himself! I don't want my country's military formally taking up positions against God! As futile as that would be!

But, I don't expect Kerry to be sensitive enough to the interests of God, in protecting His Chosen People, Israel, who the Russians are prophicied to move against, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. Obama, on the other hand, has been downright hostile to the interests of Israel, so I consider this to be a very dangerous precedent for Kerry to be trying to negotiate an agreement with Russia. Plus, the Russians are famous for breaking their word (remember that quote from Lenin, "Promises are like pie crusts; they are made to be broken!"), so what's the point in trying to cooperate with them?

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