Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trump's Campaign Rhetoric Sounds Dangerously Like Hitler's

That is not necessarily a bad thing. I certainly don't think Hitler was a good guy. But, he rose to power by promising to reverse all the bad things of his predecessors. Hitler's plan was to take everything from his neighboring countries, in order to make Germany great again. Trump's stated plan is to stop giving everything away to other countries, who in turn give little or nothing back, in order to bring back America's greatness. His plan sounds good, but when his plan moves to Hitler's plan, can we rein him in? Or will we be forced to choose between his dictatorship, or the European Antichrist's dictatorship? I wonder...

Overall, I am stuck with the impression that the American people (or, at least the Republican voters; and we will see how many others will join them) are not so much voting for Trump, as against Obama, and Hillary, who has stated her intention of, "continuing Obama's legacy" (God forbid!). Her statements to this effect should reasonably be the equivalent of the political "kiss of death", for her campaign. But, we will see if enough of the American people have been duped by the Democrats into believing that they have anything good to offer us. Frankly, I would never have thought a lame-brain candidate like Obama could have been elected, let alone re-elected. I chalked that up to the experiment with a black presidency. But, that has been such a miserable failure, can we afford to make an even worse mistake by electing Hillary, just because she would be our first female President? Has the American voter become so shallow that we can not see the evil corruption within the Obama Administration, and do we really want more of the same with Hillary, or even worse??? May God have mercy on us all, if that's the case. Perhaps He is the only one who can save us from ourselves!!!

There will probably be a rise in Trump's polls after the convention. And an equally expected rise in Hillary's poll numbers after the Democratic Convention, next week. Then the real race begins, in two or three weeks...Hold on to your hats, folks...we may be in for, "a bumpy ride!" (to quote Bette Davis, or was it Mae West, or some other Hollywood prognosticator???)

The real danger is how much evil will Obama do before he leaves office??? And how much of it can be rebuilt, and how much can not???

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