Sunday, November 2, 2014

Is That The Sound Of F.D.R. Rolling Over?

I have long felt that all Liberals should be deeply ashamed of their views, mostly. And that includes all so-called "Libertarians" whom I feel are incorrectly lumped politically together with Conservatives, or the externally designated "Evangelicals", as a sub-category, (of which I obviously consider myself to be one). I believe that Libertarians can only agree with Evangelical Conservatives on one issue; that the size of the Federal government is too big, and spending must be drastically reduced. Aside from that, they try and feign neutrality on social issues, such as Abortion, and Homosexual "Marriage", but by so doing they reveal their tacit approval by having difficulty in condemning these issues. Also, their solution to the problem of wasteful spending is to cut back on all programs, including Defense, which is the one area where Government is most "efficient", in spite of the waste, and even the egregious fraud, which is regrettable, but affordable when considered against the option of not having the technology without it. It therefore must be maintained, as distasteful as it is, though the same kind of egregious waste and fraud in the Democrats' pet social welfare programs must be eliminated, or we'll have our "patriotic" Defense Corporations moving to other nations and selling their high-tech weapons systems to our enemies, who can't wait to use them against us. Talk about a "Nuclear Iran", can anybody but President Obama be comfortable with a "Nuclear I.S.I.S."? And how long before we would be blown off the face of the Earth, along with Israel, in either case?

This brings me to the Title of this post; and the image that long-dead former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt must be "rolling over in his grave", and probably J.F.K. is too, at the imbecilic views of today's Democratic Party leaders, who are trying their best to destroy America's financial and military prominence, with the stupid view that this is necessary for the development of other nation's advancement. They believe in the foolish Socialist concept that the world's economy is one big pie, and that if we reduce America's huge slice then the poorer nations will get a bigger piece. This is the Atheistic view that only Governments control the size of their nations' economies; not believing that God is ultimately in control, and certainly not believing that he has the capacity to enrich a nation's economy as He chooses, sometimes with wealth created "out of thin air" as a reward for their over-all obedience to His principles, or bring about a horrible financial collapse, such as happened in the 1930's, and is looming in our not-too-distant future, for their stupid disobedience to His values. Case in point: the "California Gold Rush", which mostly financed the Union efforts to end Slavery in our Civil War; and today's technological advancements in oil, and natural gas development, which have the capacity of making us "energy independent" in the next several years, unless the Democrats scuttle our efforts, as they are desperately trying to do, in order to wastefully throw more taxpayers' money after their pet projects for "clean energy sources", that so far have produced nothing but bankrupt companies, and rich former corporate executives who get away with shameful rip-offs of taxpayers' money. Yet, the Democrats stubbornly hold to their foolish beliefs, no matter how many facts seem to suggest the contrary. One has to suspect that some of these politicians who feign such martyred concern for the state of the world's ecological health are really more concerned with state of their own under-the-table "kick back" incomes, donated by these same Executives who've enriched themselves off of Government incentives to develop those "clean energy" corporations that are endlessly going belly-up, while their Directors and Executives make off with the Taxpayers' loot. At least with the Defense industry fraud, we eventually get something worthwhile to show for it. I'm not suggesting that we should by any means condone this illegal activity, just that our inability to stop it is no reason to drive these corporations to move to enemy countries that will not only condone, but encourage it. Comparative "world peace" demands that we hold our noses and endure what we are unable to prosecute successfully, at least until the Lord returns, and let Him repay those who've ripped us off for their own greedy purposes. In the mean time, let's keep our defenses strong, even if we have to deal with some shady characters along the way. When Christ returns, this will be unnecessary, since there will be no more war anyway.

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