Sunday, November 9, 2014

Photo Ops At The White House

Now that the Mid-Term Elections are essentially over, it's time for the Congressional Leaders to meet with President Obama at the White House, for lunch yesterday. It's "photo op" time, and you can bet that there were a lot of toothy smiles, along with the nose-holding, and tooth gritting, as everybody lies about how much they can't wait to get to work and reach many compromises during the remaining Lame-Duck session before the holiday break, and how wonderfully they intend to cooperate during the next two years of the Republican-controlled Congress. Yeah, sure! Like that's really going to happen!

I doubt that anyone expects a Democratic-controlled, Lame-Duck Congress that has worked so hard to get nothing done for six years will all of a sudden change their tune, to compromise on important issues which the two parties disagree on so diametrically, when they know that they will only be leaving for a vacation season soon from which many will never return. Surely the Democrats are filled with magnanimous emotions toward their victorious Republican colleagues, and wish to cooperate with them, by showing they are truly willing to place the peoples' interests before their own bitterness, and actually pass some landmark legislation that will actually benefit the country. Yeah, right!!! Just like former Vice President Al Gore's Staff was so magnanimous when they cut all the telephone, and computer lines in their offices before leaving. And I'm sure President Alibi will stop looking for anyone else to blame for his failures, and will actually sign any good legislation that lands on his desk, let alone actually enforce the laws that he is Constitutionally bound to. Ain't Government grand!!!

But, as I wrote previously, Republicans must keep their "eyes on the prize", which is surely a Republican victory in the 2016 presidential election (remembering that this landslide victory was not a mandate for Republicans, but a clear repudiation of Obama's so-called "progressive" liberalism, which is merely the same old, warmed-over Socialism that has failed in so many, especially European countries), which I see as commensurate upon two key points. First, they must prove that they can accomplish something important for the people, but not try to accomplish everything that needs to be done in two years. This means that they must build a coalition in the Senate with at least twelve of the more "moderate" Democrats who are willing to vote to override Obama's expected tirade of vetoes of anything that they manage to pass. Secondly, this will probably necessitate the Republican willingness to agree to support legislation that they would normally find repugnant, but not catastrophic, in order to "buy" the Democratic support for their absolutely necessary legislation which Obama will certainly veto. Republicans must realize that all they have won is an opportunity to prove that their ideas can work, not a mandate to automatically implement their world view, as Obama mistakenly thought his reelection proved. If they can't accomplish some positive reasons for their reelections in the next two years, they'll be dumped just as fast as the Democrats were last Tuesday. Then we'll be looking at the same old cr*p for the next four, to eight years that we just repudiated Tuesday, when the Socialist-public-school-educated population votes their next Obama/Hillary look-alike into the White House. So, it's time to crawl, before we can walk, in 2016, or we'll waste this opportunity to right the American ship that the Democrats, and Obama have done their best to scuttle for the last six years.

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