Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Obama Administration reLies On "Stupidity Of the American Voters" To Pass "Obama Care"

I don't know about you, but I really hate being lied to! Especially when it's done to get me to do something that the liar knows I wouldn't do if they told me the truth. But the Obama White House is apparently so obsessed with turning America into their Socialist utopian form of government, regardless of the Constitution, that they'll say anything to get it done. Then they'll rely on what they consider the, "stupidity of the American voter" to blindly accept what they're told, and allow their elected officials to pass laws that their Congressmen know the people wouldn't approve of, if they really knew what it meant. At least, that is what Jonathan Gruber said when explaining how the "ObamaCare" bill was rushed through Congress, when only Democrats were willing to pass it without really knowing what was in it. Or, as former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi put it, with a toothy smile, "we have to pass it so we can know what's in it". I'm glad she has such blind faith in the benevolence of the Obama Administration that she is quite willing to march lock-step with their directives and vote into law a bill that was intended to take money from those who were healthy to pay the expenses of those who are sick. This was the intent of the bill's architects, according to the testimony of one of them, Mr. Gruber. One would tend to feel reluctantly compassionate for the coverage of the sick, if this were the only way to do it, but the truth is that this does not really amount to welfare for the sick, and needy, but a permanent extension of the exorbitant medical bills that have been bankrupting people, especially the elderly, for years. Now, instead of sending the recipient of the Medical treatment a huge bill, or their insurance company, the bill will be paid, up front, by heavy taxes paid primarily by wealthy investors who will now have less money to invest in the stocks of companies, who will have less money to create jobs for the people. Where is the incentive for the huge drug companies, and producers of the medical equipment, to sell their products to Hospitals, and Doctors for cheaper prices, in order for them to pass on the savings to their patients? Talk about "stupidity"! Who is the real idiot here; the voters, or the people in the White House, who are stupid enough to think they can actually get away with this kind of intentional deception of the voters forever? Perhaps we are easily enough fooled into allowing bills like this to be passed, but how long do you think it will take the new Republican controlled Congress to vote it to be repealed? I'll give it till February, at the latest!!!

Perhaps we are fools, for electing these idiots into their respective seats of power, but the American voter is not "Stupid" enough to allow them to run "rough-shod" over us forever! And thank God the Constitution allows us to correct our mistakes, once we learn the truth! Wake up, Obama! That word "mistake" is apparently spelled "Democrat", as the "stupid American voter" figured out last Tuesday, with the help of some of your "brilliant" White House advisors. It is forgivable to be foolish, but stupid is more permanent!!!

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