Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Biood Moons: Round Two

I have been remiss in not expounding on the apparently miraculous "coincidences" of the so-called "Blood Moon" eclipses, one of which appeared a couple weeks ago, for those areas that were not as overcast as mine. I was not able to witness this one, but I did see the one that happened last April. The real significance of them is that there will be two more next year, coinciding with the Jewish Festivals of Passover, and Yom Kippur. "So what", you might say. After all, why should Christians care about the significance of Jewish holidays?

Remember not only are the Jews God's chosen people, and not only was Jesus a Jew also, but He was never a Christian! By definition, a Christian is a follower of Christ, and Christ is the Son Of God. God uses symbols that are significant to His people to show all His believers what He is about to do. These "Tetrarchs", or a combination of four Blood Moons appearing in consecutive years has only happened historically three times in the so-called "Christian Era", each coinciding with significant events to the Jewish people. First, in 1492, when not only did Columbus "sail the ocean blue", but his benefactors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, first kicked all the Jews out of Spain. This was done at the pain of death for those who tried to remain, of which it has been rumored that Columbus was one, himself supposedly a Jew, from the northern province of Catalan, or Castile, I forget which. He is reputed to have only spoken to the King and Queen in Italian, with a very heavy Spanish accent, and had his words translated in order to maintain his ruse of being Italian, for fear his request for funding of an expedition to "the Indies" would be rejected purely on anti-Semitic grounds. If that had happened we would all be waiting for the Vikings to re-discover America, still.

The second Blood Moon tetrarch happened in 1948, coinciding with the United Nations vote to re-establish the nation of Israel as the Jewish homeland, though her neighbors strongly objected then, and still contest it today. That's all right because God is about to settle the issue soon, as I've expounded upon at length, according to His prophecy in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. (Please refer to the afore-mentioned accounts by checking out the archive section on the lower right of this page.) Thirdly, we have record of a Blood Moon tetrarch occurring in 1967, coinciding with the Israeli re-capturing of East Jerusalem, at the end of the "Six-Day War".

Perhaps the real significance of all this is as follows: God has sent these cosmic phenomena to coincide with major events that deeply effected the lives of His chosen people. Since I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy may well be about to be fulfilled, and that the Angelic "Rapture" of the church of Jesus Christ may immediately follow it's conclusion, I believe that we as believers should not dismiss them as pretty things to lose a little sleep over. The way current events are shaping up around the world, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Lord was trying to warn us of the coming "Gog/Magog" Russian Invasion of the Middle-East, perhaps around the summer of 2015. It fits the symbolism, since the Blood Moon coinciding with next Passover is around the traditional time of year when the Nations of the area would do their fighting against their enemies, and God's promise to miraculously deliver His people will be on a scale of His deliverance of the Hebrew Children through the Red Sea, which the Passover commemorates, and the festival of Yom Kippur and the Day Of Atonement commemorates God's forgiveness of all his peoples' sins, and restoring them to His righteous favor. I can't think of a more dramatic way for Him to demonstrate his forgiveness than the destruction of 83% of an army that was bent on the annihilation of every Jew in Israel, as is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39. Perhaps Jesus was being literal when He told His disciples to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh."

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