Monday, November 17, 2014

Obama Is Desperate To Be Impeached

I admit that I can not fathom this man's mind. He really does seem to be daring the House of Representatives to bring him up for Impeachment. The only reason I can guess why is that he is hoping to make the House so infuriated by his blatantly unconstitutional power grabs that they will foolishly try to impeach him now, rather than wait for the next Senate to be sworn in, because he knows this Senate would never convict him, while the next one will. I sense that he is desperately trying to anger them into losing their control, before he runs out of time at the holiday recess. Does he really think they're stupid enough to not see through this? Oh, wait. This is the guy who paid Mr. Gruber $2 million, in order to help him pass the "Obamacare" bill into law, for the "stupid American voters". Perhaps he feels the congress is just as "stupid"!!!

On the other hand, perhaps he realizes, as I speculated on July 27th, that his conviction would leave us with a President Joe Biden, who would only have to be some what conciliatory to Congress to be a serious candidate for re-election in 2016, and then he could finish the job of turning America into a Socialist state. The Constitution would certainly be revised in the process.

UPDATE-- Tuesday, 11/18/2014:

Perhaps I spoke too soon, when I lamented that I could not figure out what our Evil President was up to. Yes, "Evil", for what else can motivate a man to vow three times (once as Senator, and twice as President) to, "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help [him] God", and set about to personally destroy the values contained within that document? Today, a man who's wisdom I can rarely find fault with, Pat Robertson, explained it all with sickening clarity, on today's "700 Club". It all boils down to his presumed intention of giving amnesty to some 4.5 million illegal immigrants, to become legal citizens, just in time for them to legally vote (presumably for the most liberal Socialist-leaning Presidential candidate) in the 2016 election. Pat explained that the Republicans have promised to counter this with a series of budget bills that will defund the Government until he withdraws this Amnesty. He will then surely veto those bills, stating that he is willing to sign any bill that will "responsibly" fund the Government, but that the Republicans won't send him one. And he knows they won't send him one that he can sign, because they've promised not to, because he won't agree to a repeal of his Amnesty Law. So either way he makes the Republicans the "bad guys", hoping to sway the voters into voting them out of Congress, in 2016, for shutting down the government, along with restoring the Congress and the Presidency to his look-alike Socialist Democrats. Very clever, Mr. President. But remember the last three words of the vow that you swore when taking office: "so help [you] God". You obviously do not consider them to be important, but He does! And if He chooses to not disrupt your plans, somehow, he will certainly remember your evil ways, to reward you someday for them! May God have mercy upon your soul!!!

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