Saturday, September 5, 2020

President Pelosi??? America's Worst Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[It occurred to me, after publishing the following, that liberals might dismiss my opinions as conservative bias against the concept of a woman preident!!!   That is not the case; but I am vehemently against this woman to ever become Preident, not because of her gender, but because of her political lunacy, as I was as vehemently opposed to the thought of a Preident Hillary Clinton!!!  There are many men that I could not stand to become President, mostly within the Democratic party, and even some within the Republican party!  But this one has a chance of pulling the victory off, to the great shame, and horror of our nation!!!

 What a horrible thought!!!   Yet it could happen, and it seems that the Democrats are trying to swing things that way!  

Judge Andrew Napolitano, on FOX NEWS recently explained that if the election results dragged on beyond Jan. 20th, without a clear winner, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become the "Acting President", and hold the position for the next four years!!!   That sounds like a more realistic effort on the part of the Democrats, than trying to elect "Sleepy Joe" Biden!!!  I have long thought that the luke-warm effort to support Biden seemed somewhat artificial, and now I suspect I know why!!!

The call for massive mail-in ballots sounded so concerned about voters possibly contracting coronavirus, yet Democrats rarely have compassion for anyone, unless  there is a potential political benefit in it for them! 

So, to assure that the Democrats can't legitimately steal  this election (as opposed  to the Democrats false claim that Presdent Trump's victory in the Electoral College was a theft), one of two things must happen:  First, lets reelect President Trump with a clear enough victory, that any sluggish vote counting (or, intentional foot-dragging in Democratic-controlled states) would not interfere with the Electoral college vote.  Or, second, lets vote Republican control back to the House of Representatives, so that any Democratic meddling will still work against them!!!  If the Republicans regain control of the House, then any stalling by the Democrats would still put a Republican in the Presidency, and Trump cold be reelected in 2024!!!  Boy, would Pelosi stew in her own vomit then!!! 

Any way you look at it, it is imperative that we all pray dilligently for God to work this all out for our good!!!   Never before in America's history has such a blatant effort to overthrow our Constitutional government been so determined by one of the major parties!!!  From the effort to flood the nation with mail-in ballots, which will make the election rife with possibilities for fraud: from ballots being sent to addresses of people who are dead, ballots being sent to maiboxes where they are stolen, ballots being sent to the addresses of people who are not even American citizens, with no means of them being forced to verify ciizenship before voting, to the afore-mentioned effort  to bog down the tabulating process, until after January 20th, so Pelosi could be named acting President (God fobid!!!), not to mention the endless propaganda of the Mainstream Media, the fake news, and the bullying of Conservatives, by liberals, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and other George Soros-funded anarchists!!!

Anyone who cannot see that the effort to blatantly steal the election is now full blown, simply is not paying attention!!!   I have said before, and I reiterate, that I believe the liberals are desperate to win this election so they can force us to abolish the Constitution, as an obsolete document, and set us up to join the European "One-World Socialist Government" system, that the Bible prophecies Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to persecute all the Christians and Jews of the world!!!  That alone should scare the "willies" out of all of us, and drive us to our knees, in fervent prayer!!!

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