Saturday, September 12, 2020

Democrats Have Given Up Trying To Win Elections Honestly

So, if they can't win honestly, they'll cheat!!!  I firmly believe that was the real basis for their desperate efforts to stop Trump's efforts to stop the illegal immigration!  I'm sure they planned to have millions of latin-Americans trying to vote illegally for Democrats, so they could each receive a few bucks for their effort!

Even their faux compassion for corona virus distancing, and closing businesses was likely intended to tank the economy, to negate Trump's best calling card, heading into the election!

Now, the massive mail-in ballot effort,which is reputed to be a way of allowing people to avoid going to the polls, and risking corona virus infection, is more than likely an effort to open the election to fraudulent
voting, by those who steal ballots out of other's mailboxes, and by others posing as the recipient of the ballot that was mailed to a dead person's address!   

I wrote previously about the possible plan to simply overwhelm the ballot counting process, either legitimately, or falaciously, in order to keep the Electoral College from knowing if there was a clear winner, until after January 20th, of next year, which would automatically throw the election to the Speaker of the House, whom they presume would still be Pelosi (God forbid!!!)!

It sure appears as though the Democrats have already given up trying to win the election honestly. and are scrambling to cheat their way to "victory" by any means possible!!!   

I don't want crooks like this running my country, how about you???

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