Thursday, September 24, 2020

It's TimeTo Stop The Communist Insurection In America!!!

I have written many times about my concern for the leftist bent of the public schools, and especially the colleges and univrsities, in America.  I felt that the Education Department should be disolved, and the authority for school curriculum, etc., should be returned to the states and local governments!  If their was concern for the possibility of racial predudice being restored to various local districts that produced the discrimination of the early 20th century, the courts can rebuke that trend, and even place the offending school system  under receivership until that violation is corrected! 

But the major issue should not be the curriculum that is being taught, but the fact that  taxpayers' money is being used to fund the teaching of doctrine that is offensive to the parents of our children today!!!  If there is a community anywhere in America today that wishes their children to be taught the wonders of Marxism, fine!   Let them send their kids to those schools ( in California, and Oregon, likely!!!) and let those people pay for the total cost of their schools, but let them receive no taxpayer funds, at all!!!  The same should go for the universities that have been blatantly indoctrinating our children, increasingly openly, in Marxist dogma, for decades!!!  Also, there shoild be no more governmet -backed loans given to students that wish to attend the universities that teach that Socialism is good, and everything about America is bad.  If they prefer that Marxist dogma, fine, so let them pay for it on their own!!!  The effect  is that now many of those children are probably on the streets, protesting, and maybe even participating in the violent rioting and looting, because the Marxist formula for overthrowing a government, in a communist revolution, is to first create chaos, and then demand a despotic tyrant to end it all!!!  I don;t think Biden would satisfy them, but prhaps Pelosi, or Harris would!!!  They don't need to be tough, just evil!!!

So, today we have our children being taught that they must stay home from school, for fear of coronovirus infection, while their older brothers and sisters take a break from college, in order to riot, and loot in the cities!!!  ( I guess rioters and looters are exempt from coronavirus contagion!!!)

But, what else should we expect, after paying for their Marxist indoctrination for decades, with taxpayer funds???!!!

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