Sunday, August 30, 2020

It's Amazing What It Takes To Get Through To Some People!!!

The Democrats, and other Socialists in this country are so bound up in the Socialist Revolutionary Model that they really didn't see this coming! 

They really thoiught they could  allow all this rioting and looting, and senseless violence, in primarily cities that were governed by members of their own party, and we would all be so stupid as to not realize that they were causing it by their inaction to stop it, and that President Trump would not be blamed for it!!!   Democrats are just now realizing that they must condemn the violence, not becuase it is evil, but because the polls are beginning to show that Trump is catching up, over his "law and order"campaign!!!  

That's called, "not knowing the difference between right, and wrong"!!!   Did they really think we were that stupid???   Just because they are that stupid doesn.t mean that we are!!!  So, do we really want them to run our country, when they won't even protect the cities that were stupid enought to elect them as mayors, governors, and attorneys general???   When an angry, bloodthirsty mob is beating down your door, do you really want to call in a Social Worker to try and teach the mob how to, " get in touch with their inner selves", rather than a police "Swat Team" to round them all up and take them to jail???   Do you really think Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is going to swoop in and save the day???

The above mentioned Socialist Revolutionary Model worked in countries where the ruling class had absolute power to kill anyone who rioted, and a justice system that would probably lock those arrested up, and throw away the proverbial key!!!   In a system like that, it would be easier to start a riot, and have the authorities look bad, if they over-reacted in their response!   But in a Constitutional government, like ours, where the police can't control the sitution, the President must wait for the Governor, or local authorities to ask for Federal assistance before he can send in help.  If that help is not requested, the local authorities bare the blame for allowing the chaos to continue, and even worsen!!!   (Witness Portland Oregon, over the last 90 days!!!)   They are probably waiting for George Soros, to figure that the rioting is getting too expensive to finance!!!  Then the rioters will simply pack their bags and go on to the next "spotaneous riot"!!!

Do we really want "Sleepy Joe", and his "Keystone Cop",  Deep State bureaucrats trying to control our country, while potecting us from international thugs who have nuclear arms to throw at us, and not just fireworks, and Moletov cocktails???   Think about that, between now, and November!!!

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