Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Warren Is First To Verbalize True View Of Constitution!!!

I have long been convinced that the true goal of the leftist Democrats running for President has nothing to do with wanting to preserve our Constitutional Republic!!!   The blatant outspokenness of their Socialist values, at a time when the Europeans are trying to establish their "One-World" Socialist government, tells me they would rather be a part of that government, now, but they want to use their Democratic influence to destroy our Constitution, and move us to voluntarily join the European movement!!!  This is probably their effort to enter that system as influential  leaders of the former American branch of their Socialist government!!!  They apparently wish to not only be Socialists, but to be  power-brokers within that system!

Today's news reports speak of Elizabeth Warren's recent calls for abolishing the Electoral College system, which is a bedrock principal of the U.S. Constitution!!!  I suspect this is only a preliminary effort on her part, for the actual intention of Sen. Warren, if she were to be elected President, would probably be to immediately begin efforts to abolish the rest of the Constitution, and entice  us to voluntarily join the European plan!!!

Obviously, she and others of the Democratic party view the Constitution as an impediment to getting elected as President, rather than their own outspoken Socialist views  being so repugnant to Republicans, and sufficient numbers of independents, as well,  that they can't win both the popular vote and the representative members of the Electoral College, together, as the Constitution requires.  If they fail to win both, the Constitution gives the victory to the winner of the Electoral College!!!  This is so that  states with large populations, like California, and New York, can't dominate the popular vote, making the voters in less populated states effectively powerless!!!  I'm sure people like Hillary disagree, because most of her "Basket of Deplorables" reside it these smaller states!  She, and Warren, and the rest would love nothing better than to permanently disenfranchise us completely from all elections!!!

Since the Democrats  lost two presidential elections, for Gore, and for Hillary Clinton, because they did not win the Electoral College, their solution is not to try harder, but to change the Constitution so they have  an unfair advantage.   I think this is nothing less than the first step in undermining the whole Constitution, if they get their chance.

That, coupled with the endless fight to keep local Democrats in state and local governments from violating the second amendment, and trying to confiscate the guns of law-abiding citizens, so we would be disarmed when they force us to accept laws they take away our freedoms , and place us under the rule of totalitarian dictators, like the Venezuelans, who are powerless to overthrow their government , which has totally destroyed their economy,  while they continue to live in luxury themselves!!!

 Don't forget the endless fight against those who feel that the constitution allows for abortion under any circumstances, including the preposterous suggestion that babies surviving attempted abortions should be "made comfortable" while the doctors, and the parents, discuss "what should be done with them" (implying the choice between infanticide, or not)!!!  As if they have the right to make that choice!!!

Apparently there is no evil too great for the Democrats to consider, as long as it is convenient for their self interests!!!

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