Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Question Of, "Should America Go To War With Iran?", Is Irrelevant!!!

The real issue is, "Will America go to war with Iran???"

It seems so basic to me, yet so few, if any media pundits care to refer to the Bible, to see if any thing in it predicts whether, or not we will go to war with Iran!!!   God answered this question more than 2500 years before it was ever asked!!!  The Bible clearly predicts that there is no reference to any country that can be assumed to be America, in any descriptive form, that will take an active roll in defeating the Iranian aggression, when they will invade the Middle-East, and especially Israel!!! But, it is presumed by the elitist intelligentsia that anyone who places any credence in a Biblical prophecy that was made over 2500 years ago, must be a lunatic, and totally deranged, at least!!!

Well then, "Mia culpa!!!", I am guilty as charged!!!  If believing that a prophecy, given by God, about an era that seems to be unfolding around us today, constitutes insanity, then I guess I'm ready for the "Funny Farm" now!!!  I just hope someone will remember to let me out, when the invasion plays out exactly the way God said it would, 2500 years ago!!!   It is not my insanity that causes me to believe something that does not make material sense, today, it is the overwhelming atheistic cynicism of the media that makes them unable to consider the Bible as saying anything that is at all relevant to our world, today!!!  Their cynical arrogance is nauseating!!!  It stems from a basic belief that no other source but their own absolute wisdom could possibly understand the truth about the way the world works!!!  God not only knows how the world works, He knows how it will work before it happens!!!  Which of these arrogant buffoons claims to be able to do that???

Today, we find the Media is falling all over themselves to debate whether we should go to war with Iran!   The Leftist, Mainstream Media desperately proclaims Iran to be an innocent victim of the Trump administration's belligerent warlike blustering, and their logic pursues no further than, "We hate Trump, and everything bad is his fault!", and, "We love Obama, and whatever he stands for is good"!   The conservative Media pundits are not much better, as they debate the practicality of going to war with Iran!!!  When God decides Iran is ready to be judged for their evil ways, He will not ask either the media from the Left, or the Right, if they approve!!!

 I wonder if the hundreds of dead American soldiers would agree that taking out Soleimani, who masterminded the terrorism against them, was a bad idea, or would the thousands of American wounded soldiers feel that his assassination was a bad idea???

I've got news for the Mainstream Media pundits:  your proclamations of Iran's innocence doesn't make it true, and Iran will soon have to face God's judgement, and I wonder where that leaves you???   When you finally realize that what God proclaims will happen 2500 years later, is just as true as what He proclaims will happen tomorrow, your fate may be much worse than mere embarrassment!!!

UPDATE:  1/13/2020--

Surprise, surprise!!!  Iran in it's infinite wisdom has decided to shoot their own civilians, again, for protesting their regime, and calling for the "Supreme Leader" to step down!!!  Let's hear it for democracy, folks, that's what Shiite Islam calls responding to the will of the people!!!

In America, FOX NEWS interviewed a Texas Republican Congressman, who felt that this unrest could lead to "Regime Change", in Iran; unless Iran decides to go to war with someone, to, "change the narrative, and distract it's citizens from protesting!!!

 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, let me think!  How about invading Israel???  Yeah!  That's the ticket!!!   All " good Muslims" hate Israel, anyway, so maybe this will keep the protesters distracted for awhile!

I wonder what God thinks of that idea!!!

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