Monday, January 6, 2020

I Must Disagree With FOX NEWS Pundits.......

This is something I rarely feel is necessary to do, but I must now take exception to the average opinion expressed on FOX NEWS, concerning regime change in Iran, anytime soon!!!  While I agree that it would certainly be a big improvement, and there are certainly plenty of western sympathizing civilians protesting the evil policies of the Iranian government, the reality is that this is a very unarmed  public in a nation that  fears no one, who does not present an armed threat to their existence!!!   Short of a well armed, violent revolution against their Muslim Mullah-controlled government, there will be no "regime change" in Iran!!!   Their armed forces are not strong enough to contend with an American military invasion, if we so desired, but we don't desire it, and likely will not!!!  But, they are infinitely stronger than their own, unarmed public, and have already shown a great willingness to use this force against their own protestors, of which they have been reported to have opened fire on the protestors in the recent past, killing hundreds , (recent reports estimate,"nearly 1500 deaths", after the last protest)!!!   So, there will be no regime change, at least not from their revolutionary public protestors!

I draw my opinions of international movements from a mixture of current events, and the opinions of others, as current events do, or do not, match up with established prophetic messages, some of which are thousands of years old!  I do not presume to be smart enough to understand the ramifications of international policies, on my own, but I believe in a God who is infinitely capable of understanding what I do not, and I trust in what He has already said about certain issues, and He has said quite a lot about Middle-Eastern relations, especially in what He refers to as, "the last days"!!!  As I have written frequently in the past, I see enough evidence in today's current events, to believe that we are entering into the very period that God has referred to as the "last days", or the "end times",  whether most secular pundits recognize it, or not!!!   As I am unafraid to say so, even at the risk of being called a religious fanatic, or a crazy "nut job", I will stand upon what I believe the Bible has clearly stated as truth, even if it seems unlikely, according to present circumstances!!!  That also goes for what the Bible does not say about an issue that seems likely, currently!

Temporally, it does seem likely that the public unrest in Iran should soon culminate in a violent revolution, that would overthrow their evil regime, but not without access to sophisticated weapons!!!  America could supply those weapons, but we don't seem willing to do so!  And Biblical prophecy seems to indicate that Iran will have no earthly resistance to their evil hegemony, up until they invade Israel, which seems likely very soon!!!  At that point, they will be poking their "finger", metaphorically in the, "apple of God's eye", and they can expect the obvious consequences for doing so!!!   Not only will God assist Israel in overwhelmingly being victorious against this invasion, (see Ezekiel: 38,and 39) perhaps even destroying a large part of their forces with an earthquake, as He did in old testament times, against people who aggravated His wrath (remember God is, "the same, yesterday, today, and forever"!!!),  but, there is Biblical evidence of a severe destruction of Iran, itself, though the method is unclear!!!

So, there will eventually be a regime change in Iran, but it will not come from their disgruntled public!!!  Their government officials are trying to divert their public unrest by distracting them with fulfillment of their Muslim "prophecies" about conquering Israel, and the entire Middle-East, so they can nullify Western sanctions with the conquered  Gulf  States' oil reserves, as do their Russian allies, but their plans will end in complete disaster, for all of them!!!

As I have noted before, this is how God chooses to show the "heathen" that, "there is still a God in Israel", and that they mess with Him at their own peril!!!

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